Chapter 84

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Chapter IX


I winced as Elisa pulled out another shard of shaple out of my arm and she clucked her tongue disapprovingly.

"You should have come to me earlier," she snapped a little worriedly and I stretched my neck to one side, trying to get rid of a cramp.

"I couldn't, not while so many others are so much more injured then me." I retorted, and then I slumped and sighed softly and Elisa frowned at me, her eyes becoming concerned.

"You know it wasn't your fault, Perseus." She commented as she wound a bandage around my upper arm. I looked at her in confusion. "I know your thinking about all those deaths, don't blame yourself though. It wasn't your fault and everyone here knows it. The only person to blame is Void who started all of this bloodshed."

I clenched my fist, but then I sighed and nodded. "It's the way I am, Elisa." I admitted tiredly and her eyes snapped to my face. "Personal Loyalty was my fatal flaw when I lived here," I confessed quietly, glancing around to see if anyone was listening. The only people who were here were the really badly wounded so I figured that I was fine. "It still is."

Elisa scowled in thought and then she finished wrapping the bandages around my arm. "I keep forgetting that you are human, Percy."

I smiled at her and stretched my arms. That did feel better. "Getting old, doctor?" I teased her lightly and she hit the back of my head. I grinned and she rolled her eyes. "Seriously though," I sobered quickly, "In some way or other... I think we are all human."

Her eyes widened with surprise.

"It doesn't matter if you were born on Earth or in Vanguard, some deep part of us is human and we will always rely on that part when we need it."

I grinned at her and she looked at me thoughtfully.

"Dad!" someone stormed in the room and I looked up in surprise and saw the fifteen year old version of Samuel. (Why in the world was he fifteen anyways? He never did explain that.) "Grandpa's here!"

I blinked; grandpa? But who... then it clicked. "Dad and Athena are here?" I asked, slightly surprised and Sam grinned. I stood up and reached up to toss his hair, I was a little taller than he was. Samuel blinked, surprised by the action, and then he smiled slightly.

I really needed an explanation about how my seven year old son was now fifteen years old.


I stared at Mom and Poseidon and then at the people surrounding them, slightly slack jawed.

"But... how? And where did you find them all?" I asked a little bit shocked.

Athena smiled at Poseidon and she turned to face me. "We didn't find them, they found us."

I stared at the countless mortals, utterly bewildered as they talked to each other and the once dead mortals chatted with old friends and started to make new friends with the living. Even Nico seemed to be surprised.

I saw Artemis kissing... wait. What!?

The goddess broke off the rather heated kiss, flushing slightly. I thought I was hallucinating. I might still be hallucinating. "That's Orion." a gentle voice at my side said and I saw Aphrodite watching them with a slight smile on her face. I nodded slowly, I knew the myths-Apollo had killed Orion, hadn't he? And wasn't Orion-oh.

"There's Theseus," Aphrodite pointed toward a tall brown haired bloke who waved at us. "The original Jason," she pointed at a sturdily built man who had piercing grey eyes instead of the customary blue. "That's the original Perseus," she pointed to a man who had dark brown hair and blue eyes. "Hercules."

I blinked, slightly surprised by the last name.

"Hercules?" a new voice wondered out loud and I looked at Percy, who had his hood up for some reason.

"Torrent?" Aphrodite wondered out loud and he lowered the hood, smiling a little sheepishly. The goddess's eyes widened and I sat on the table, innocently swinging my legs back and forth like a young girl. I didn't want to get in the middle of World War III, but I did want to watch it.

"Hi, Aphrodite." He greeted a little warily. Aphrodite's eyes widened and then... she threw a shoe at the Heir of Chaos who jumped out of the way at the last second.

"You... You..." she breathed heavily and flew at the warrior. I winced as her fist made contact with his chest and poor Percy looked so bewildered that it was rather cute. "You... you've been alive all this time?" she finally sank to the floor and Percy looked down at her, his eyes becoming like baby seals.

"Um... you never knew?"

Aphrodite hissed at him and he jumped back. "Was it Void who destroyed your and Annabeth's relationship!?" she snarled at him and he took a few more steps back. "I'M GOING TO KILL HIM!!!!" she roared and her clothes turned into a war dress and she held a spear and helmet in her hands.

"Be rational for a moment, Aphrodite," Athena snapped and I winced. Logic and love... this ought to go over well. "We don't stand any chance against Void, Lord Chaos was annihilated."

Percy crept away from the two squabbling goddesses and placed his hands on my shoulders. I sighed softly and relaxed into him.

"Love conquers all!" Aphrodite shouted and held out her spear and charged at Athena. Athena sighed and jerked her head up and the spear melted and became a flower.

"Yes, but you also need to use logic, Aphrodite." She pointed out mildly and Aphrodite gaped at her, then an evil scheming look appeared in her eyes.

"You kissed Poseidon didn't you?"

Athena's cheeks turned pink and my eyes widened as I gagged slightly. Oh, that was just disgusting. My mom and Poseidon? That was just... utterly wrong.


I smiled slightly as I watched as my family.

Soon, I told myself, as soon as this war is over, I'll tell them everything. Percy, at the very least, deserves the truth and... I can't handle this guilt of keeping this from them much longer. They all deserve to know.

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