Chapter 22

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Chapter XVI

Percy watched as Bianca frowned and she rubbed her stomach, before she spun around and threw a knife at the target. It hit, but she didn't notice it, because she was bent double. Percy darted forward, not sure how because one moment he was at least fifty feet behind her, and the next he was right next to her, catching her before she fell. She looked up, her eyes wide and he smiled at her.

"Come on," he murmured softly, putting one am underneath her knees and the other behind her back so that he could carry her. He only grew more worried when she didn't protest and only wrapped her arms around his neck to stabilize herself. "I've been watching you for the past twenty minutes and you really need to go see the nurse." She nodded slightly and closed her eyes, resting her head against his shoulder.

Percy was beginning to get really worried now; he knew how much she hated being coddled, but he didn't say anything. Instead he just carried her through the halls, taking shortcuts and trying to stay out of the main area. He had no idea what was wrong with her, and he was sure she wouldn't like being seen in this state anyways.

The nurse looked up when he entered, obviously about to complain about some phantom injury, when she saw Bianca in his arms and they narrowed with concern. "Bring her over here." She commanded, Percy, who had always been terrified of Elisa- yes, the original Elisa, she was actually immortal as well- well, she could die but only if she had been hurt, like the Hunters of Artemis and anyone else training to be a warrior or a hero, obeyed her without a complaint. "What happened?" Elisa asked, bending down to open Bianca's eyelid. Percy shifted nervously.

"She just collapsed," he answered, not taking his eyes off of her as he felt worry and concern knaw at his stomach. "I have no idea what happened, or why, she just... did."

Elisa nodded, frowning slightly at him. "Very well, Perseus." she murmured, turning back to her patient. "I suggest that you go to find your cousin and to tell him that his sister has been taken ill."

Percy knew that was an order, but he hesitated at the door and looked over his shoulder at Elisa, who was currently bustling around his... he had no idea what she was anymore. Was she his lover, his friend, his cousin or his girlfriend? Well, lover she certainly was... "Is she going to be alright?" he whispered and Elisa looked up in surprise, and then her expression softened.

"I have no idea." She replied honestly and kindly, but brutally as well. Percy swallowed and nodded, and then he practically fled from the Hospital Wing.


Nico looked up at Percy as he practically stormed into the room, panicking slightly, his expression confused. Percy shook his head and doubled over, wondering how he was going to explain this to Nico who was her brother.

"Bianca..." he wheezed, and Nico's expression became understanding, as if he had seen this happening, which he probably had, knowing him. Percy wondered if he knew why she was ill, and then he got annoyed at Nico for not telling him about her becoming ill earlier. He could have stopped it if he knew what had caused it, possibly.

"What's wrong with her?" he asked, and Percy wondered if he had figured it out before.

"I... I have no idea." He admitted, "Elisa wouldn't tell me..." he watched as Nico fled from the room, the cloak billowing out behind him, and he reluctantly followed his best friend.


Elisa looked up when both of them entered, Nico a few steps ahead of Percy but only by a few. Percy swallowed at her grave expression, and he began praying to every god that he knew of that she would be alright.

"Perseus, would you follow me." She requested grimly, and Percy looked at Nico, who was rapidly paling. He wondered if his friend knew already. "Nico, I suggest you go over to your sister." She added more kindly to Nico, who smiled gratefully at her and walked behind the curtain that Percy just noticed was up. He followed the nurse as she walked outside, trying to regain his composure... not that he was doing much. He was actually panicking and screaming, wanting to run away from everything and to go back in there himself so that- "Did you know she is pregnant?"

Oh. Well... at least she wasn't dying... hopefully. Although Percy had a pretty good idea who the father was, and now he was beginning to panic for a whole other reason. Nico was going to kill him slowly and brutally and painfully, probably using his martial arts moves and his death powers. "Uh... not until now, no."

The nurse smiled briefly at him and he began shifting nervously. Nico was going to kill him. Nico was going to kill him! Nico was going to ki- "I figured as much. Do you know who the father is?" Percy felt his face heat up and she raised an eyebrow, and then her mouth opened slightly as she must have realized what happened. "Oh." she blanked. Percy smiled thinly at her, fighting the blush back.

"Is she alright?" he asked, now that he was sure that she was (most likely) not going to die. Or he hoped she wasn't.

"She's perfectly fine; she's just been pushing herself to much. I have a feeling she didn't know either." Percy smiled weakly at her as he prepared himself for doom.


Nico was staring up at the open sky when Percy found him. Don't ask him how the roof of the gym was missing, he didn't know. His arms were crossed and his mouth was frowning slightly. Percy knew that he knew somehow. "You know," Nico began quietly, "I suppose that it was fate."

Percy didn't like the tone of his voice- he didn't even know what the other warrior was thinking. That scared him- he could almost always tell what was going on with Nico, what his emotions were, by his voice. But it was completely blank and deprived of his emotions. "If you say so." he murmured quietly- that was the only thing he could say anyways.

Nico shifted slightly. "I don't know if I should be angry at you or at the fates." He sighed, finally showing emotion. "But what is done, is done, and I suppose I can't do anything about it." Percy nodded and Nico looked over his shoulder. "...but all I can see is this baby bringing only tragedy and sorrow." He finished ominously. 

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