Chapter 3

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Chapter Three

Reyna's POV

"...Shut up Percy!" Annabeth shouted, glaring at Percy who glared right back at her while Piper, Leo, Jason and I watched the two of them like a tennis match.

"No Annabeth, what's going on with you?" Percy asked, glaring right back at her. See, no one knew the reason why they were arguing but it was bad.

"Ugh! Go away!" Annabeth shouted.

"Fine!" Percy shouted and stormed out, litteratly. The hurricane the surrounded him had 80 mile per hour wind and wind gusts up to 150. Annabeth stormed out toward the arena.

"What's going on between those two?" I asked in confusion and Piper just sighed.

"I don't know. They've been at it like this since the end of the war. They can't agree on anything anymore, and they had a fight right after the war died down. Since then these last six months have been torture and tension." She growled, pulling her hair in annoyance. Oh and before you ask, it's been six months since the end of the war and Leo came here with the others.

Apparently, someone in the Aphrodite cabin is called Leyna although she drives Piper crazy.

"So, they're pretty much arguing with each other?" I asked in confusion.

"Yes." Leo groaned, "I wish they were a machine, I could just turn them off for an hour." I stared at him funny and he just shrugged. "It's something my mom did when I was younger." His eyes seemed to get a little sadder when he mentioned his mother.

I smiled at him sadly then kissed his cheek (In a totally friendly way!) ignoring the tingles and smiled at him before saying, "I have to go Flame Boy with Eagle Training, Piper, want to come?"

The Daughter of Aphrodite smiled at me, "Sure Reyna." She said, kissed Jason on the cheek and followed me out the door.

I was surprised that I wasn't jealous anymore.

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