Chapter 64

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Chapter X


Void stared at me with a foreign expression, well, foreign on his face. I had seen that fear on other faces. I liked that expression, especially when the tyrant wore it. "Heir of Chaos..." he breathed, his eyes wide. I smirked up at him, holding a small ball of fire in my hand, perfectly safe from harm.

"Yes," I murmured, bowing my head. "I am the heir of Chaos' powers." I pushed myself up, still keeping my head down and I sat in front of Annabeth, still shielding her with my body. I felt as she sat up, and I kept my arms spread out, partly to show my innocence and partly to keep her back. I looked up, locking my gaze with Void, who was frozen.

I had no idea if that was me, or if he was literally frozen in fear.

"That's impossible..." the deity growled, suddenly shaking his head. "Chaos knows how risky it is to pass down his powers to a mortal!"

I smirked slightly. "Yes," I agreed, standing up. "It is risky, but he was dying and we knew that you were rising. There was no other choice." I didn't mention that it had hurt, a lot, and that I had threatened to combust several times. He didn't need to know that little detail. Run, I murmured to Annabeth. I sensed her hesitation and nearly rolled my eyes.

"But... you would have died- or combusted!" Void protested, stepping back. I sighed, wondering why they always thought that. But then they had always underestimated me, which I was grateful for.

"Well... I blew up several things." I stated cheerfully, shrugging slightly, moving the rope with my mind. "The Cheops pyramids for one." I smiled impishly and heard Annabeth gasp. "I think I might have accidentally blown one of the planets out of one of the universes as well."

I watched as Void's eyes narrowed and they flashed angrily. I held out a hand and created a shield around Bianca and Annabeth. It was obvious that neither was leaving. "I will not bow down to a mortal." Void sneered, and suddenly he held out his hands and fire was being blasted at me. I reacted instinctively; I threw my hands out in front of me and pushed the fire back.

I felt like laughing and crying as it escaped, more out of relief then anything, because I had had to hold it back for so long. The power rushed through my arms and out of my hands, leaving a tingling sensation behind. It danced through the air, before forcing Void's fire back. The fire stopped and Void stood there, breathing heavily with wide eyes. I lowered my hands cautiously, expecting another attack but the deity seemed to be in some kind of shock.

"You weren't bluffing..." Void muttered and I raised an eyebrow at him. He paused for a moment, then he jerked his head up and everything suddenly started crumbing. I yelped as I dodged a boulder, dragging Annabeth with me. "I'll see you soon, Forgotten Warrior." He vowed and I stared at him in surprise as he turned on his heel and jumped out the window.


I was sure that he had cast some kind of confusion spell on me, because I couldn't process the fact that he had literally walked out the window. I ran over to it and looked down, and regretted that action almost instantly.

I had no idea what Void and his followers had done, but they had practically destroyed my home. There were fires burning, houses had collapsed, the stands on the streets had been destroyed, there were people lying in the rubble or they were buried under debris. The fires were everywhere, and I watched in horrified fascination as one of the houses collapsed and another caught fire suddenly. I noticed that the wind had picked up as well, which was not good for the fire.

Suddenly there was a loud roar and I looked up, and watched as a mountain began to collapse. "What the h..." I breathed, my eyes widening. I felt someone join me and I looked over toward Annabeth and Bianca, who had somehow gotten out of my shields and that they had joined me at the window.

"Oh no," Annabeth whispered. I looked up on instinct and watched as one of the pillars broke and finally collapsed.

I stared at it in confusion, and then suddenly it dawned on me. The castle was about to collapse. My eyes widened and I cursed, stepping away from the window. "We need to get out of here, now!" I commanded, and both girls looked up, and then noticed what I had noticed.

"Ah..." Bianca muttered. I didn't say anything, I just grabbed both of their arms and we bolted in a desperate dash against time as the Castle began shaking. I dodged another pillar and Annabeth sped up, so that she was now in front.

She yanked the door open to the training room and I caught it, gesturing for Bianca to go on. She didn't hesitate at all; she knew that that was an order. I took a deep breath and ran after them, hoping that I wasn't about to get killed.

Through the halls we ran, dodging crumbling walls and falling ceilings and pillars. I counted at least ten close calls, usually one of us would pull the other behind or ahead. Or, in my case I would stop the piece of debris from crushing the person, seeing as the power still hadn't settled entirely. It was still operating on instinct at the moment, and not my command- not that I minded, of course. It had saved our lives several times, and I suspected that it had been holding the castle back.

It was like the sea, after all, rough and unpredictable but also friendly and a lifesaver.  I heard Annabeth scream as the ceiling collapsed right in front of her, probably out of fear and surprise. I stopped dead and looked over my shoulder, then nodded down a door. "This way." I murmured, lightly tapping her shoulder. I walked into a door and entered a shortcut. She and Bianca followed me and I could hear their loud breathing like they were right beside me, which they were, technically.

I opened the door at the other end of the hall and stepped into the main corridor and saw the great oaken door. Bianca, Annabeth and I traded looks, and then all three of sprinted toward them. I held my hand out, willing for them to blow open and they did, the castle's shaking suddenly increased and it felt like it was about to collapse.

Annabeth, Bianca and I jumped out the doors and ran as if our life depended on it, which it did and I winced as I heard the castle collapse. I turned around and watched it with horror, because it was collapsing.

"Oh, man." I muttered to myself.

The castle, like the mountain, was finally falling, and it had caught on fire.

My home... I thought to myself in dismay. I felt Annabeth fall to the ground, possibly from shock and Bianca was shaking. The power screamed in pain and I winced, but then I was filled with anger.

Why did Void always have to ruin everything?

I looked up at the sky, and screamed, long and hard like a beast, before I fell to the ground, trembling and crying.

Void would not get away with this. It was then that I vowed to give him the justice that he deserved, because although many didn't know it...

 ...I was Chaos' reincarnation. 

End of Book Five

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