Chapter 55

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Chapter I


It has been three years. Three years since he was captured. Three years since I last saw him, and three years since I started searching for him. I miss him. He was-is- my best friend, my sort-of boyfriend, lover, partner, buddy and soul mate.

Confusing much?

See, we've been alive for over twelve thousand years. We're apprentices to Chaos, well, hewas before me but two-thousand years later I decided to join him (after a little trip to Tartarus and defeating an evil little snake). We both ended up trading eyes, I got his sea green one and he got my stormy grey.

We have a long, complicated, history. We met when we were twelve, him drooling in his sleep (which I thought was rather cute), got into arguments, went on a quest somehow becoming friends and saved Zeus's lightning bolt.

Yes, I said Zeus and lightning bolt. See, we're demigods. Don't believe me? Ah well, I envy you.

After we saved his lightning bolt, an old friend of mine sent a scorpion on him and he survived. A year or so later, I –ahem- followed (read: stalked) him and his baby Cyclops brother (don't ask) to the school he was going to add the time. There the Cyclops (known as Tyson) played with fire, defeating the Canadians and I helped by stabbing one in the stomach. Anyways we to camp and defeated a bunch of hot bull things and after that we sneaked out with Tyson. We traveled to the Sea of Monsters, blew up a friend of ours' ship, nearly lost Tyson, I ended up getting a makeover while he got turned into a guinea pig, and nearly got myself killed by listening to sirens. We rescued the golden fleece, saved our goat friend (who's name is Grover, by the way) and sent our other friend (Clarisse) home with the fleece. Also, a friend of mine became human after being stuck as a tree for six years (yes, you read that right).

After that I ended up falling over a cliff saving two demigods, I ended up holding the sky and he and tree-girl (Thalia) got into an argument, then he went against our camp director's orders and came to rescue Artemis and I. Blah blah blah, he ended up holding up the sky as well when Ares (who had cursed his sword) decided to activate that curse. We got back to camp and only had twin streaks of gray in our hair. Yay!

Then we went into the Labyrinth. Let me tell you from experience: don't go in. It's terrifying (not as much as Tartarus, but a close second). We split up with Grover and Tyson (who had gone with us) and I got to follow a big hairy spider to a mountain full of Telkines and he ended up waking Typhoon up by making the mountain explode. Yippe. He went missing for two weeks making me think he was dead. After we came back, we went back in the Labyrinth with a mortal called Rachel Elizabeth Dare. We got to the center, saw Daedalus (who was actually our swords teacher, Quintes) and found Nico and Pan. We battled an army of evil Krony meanies, and won but Daedalus died.

After that was the Titan war. He read the Great Prophecy. Then we went and battled in Manhatten, I took a knife, I almost died... twice, Thalia got her legs crushed, Luke stopped Kronos by killing himself (cheerful, I know), and I baked a birthday cake for him and we ended up becoming boyfriend and girlfriend.

After that... well... it wasn't too pretty. He went missing for eight months because Hera wanted him for the Great Prophecy, we went on a quest to defeat Gaea, him and I jumped into Tartarus and we had to get to the doors of death to close them, Coach Hedge died to save Jason, Piper and Leo (I still miss that crazy goat) and we went home.

Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter merged creating Camp Half-Jupiter (don't ask, the gods are really not original, I mean, wouldn't Camp Olympus be better?) and a new camper showed up: Jack Firefox. At the time everything was normal, and then we started fighting.

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