Chapter 59

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Chapter V


Hurry, please!

The mental cry echoed in my mind and I jumped. Glancing around I noticed various expressions of worry, disbelief, surprise, concern and shock on my comrads' faces.

"A mental cry," Alpha whispered, looking severely shaken.  "Torrent's mental cry."

I twisted the wheel and dodged a dust ball and glanced at the towering fortress. "Why haven't we heard one before?" I asked cautiously, swerving back onto the road that was broken down and probably gone. The place was probably very beautiful once, with lush meadows and beautiful lakes. Now it only looked like a lot of sand. Even Poseidon and Percy would be tired of it.

"I'm not sure, maybe we couldn't before now, or we were out of range." Alpha confessed, gripping the door. "When did your licence expire?"

I shot him a dirty look. "Oh, shut up." I grunted. "And what do you mean?"

"What? Your licence expiring or mental cries?" He muttered dryly. I took my eyes off the road for a moment to glare at him and he smirked.

"Oh, will you two give it a break?" Bianca suddenly snapped. "I swear, you're worst then cats and dogs." The breaks slammed and everyone yelped as the car jumped onto the two front wheels and Annabeth swerved to the side.

Everyone turned to look at the Daughter of Athena who just pointed and all mouths opened in shock.

"Ah." Nico muttered, "that was quick."

"It just... it just appeared there!" Annabeth cried, a tad hysterically. "It was miles away!" She added, "How is it just... there? It should be scientifically impossible!" She added then glanced at the two children of Hades. She took a deep breath then raised an eyebrow. "Do you two know?"

Nico frowned slightly and Bianca bit her lip. "Maybe," the earlier said. "It is Ashgaurd, and Void rules over it, and he seems to like havoc, to much that good for him." Nico mumbled, now frowning. "We'll have to anchor the car to the fortress otherwise it'll just disappear again."

"But how will we do that?" Leo asked in obvious confusion. I smiled in victory.

"Well..." Nico said then turned to Alpha. "Do you know how to anchor this?"

Alpha sighed. "Obviously." He grumbled, then held up his hand and a silvery light appeared, trailing from the car to the building. Nico blinked in surprise and I shrugged, lightly stepping out of the car. "Let's go get him." I said cheerfully.


I glared at the ground, picking myself up carefully and glancing around. "Well..." I muttered to myself. "That went wonderfully."

I explained to them what the plan was and was met with objections almost instantly. "No way!" Nico shouted, glaring at me.

"You'll get killed." Alpha warned, not really caring.

"Percy'll kill us!" Thalia said, shaking her fist at me.

"Slowly, painfully, like meat, if he can." Leo added, aiding her.

"That is painful." Zoe and Luke muttered in unison.

"Oh shut up, it's not going to stop me. And you'll be able to get us out easier." I snapped, and pulled out my knife. "Any more objections?" I added dangerously, glancing at Reyna, Bianca and Jason, all three stayed quiet. "Good."


I was thrown into the cell and I gasped slightly, the force of it making me slightly winded. I stood up and instantly noticed the blood on the ground and gulped slightly. "This is part of the plan... your plan..." I muttered to myself, then looked up and noticed a mass of blood and... hair. I gasped slightly and ran over to the person and knelt by (s)he. "Are you alright?" I whispered, Stupid! Of course it isn't! I scolded myself. Green and grey eyes blinked open and met mine, confusion layering them. "Percy..." I whispered. Percy flinched and I shook my head. "I'm sorry," I whispered.

"know...?" The voice was soft, so soft that I could barely hear him and very rough.

"Do I know you?" I guessed, Percy nodded slightly before he made a painful sounding cough. I slid the canteen of water off of my shoulder and placed it to his lips. "Yes, I'm your friend." I answered, slightly delayed. His different colored eyes flashed to mine gratefully and he took a sip. I smiled slightly and he weakly returned it.

"" His voice was a bit better, slightly stronger and I smiled in mild relief, he would recover, physically at least, I wasn't sure about his mental state.

"We're here to rescue you." I whispered, glancing around for spying people. "I can't say anymore, Seaweed Brain, I'm sorry." Percy nodded slightly and I took the canteen back. He frowned slightly, so I explained, "I don't want you to get sick." Percy's eyes seemed to light in understanding, but he nodded and raised himself up onto his knees.

"Thanks..." he rasped, "most I've had."

I smiled, at least he seemed sane. "Don't talk, it'll just make your throat hurt worst." Percy nodded and I stood up. "Luke and Alpha will be here in a few minutes. Do you think you can stand?" Percy's eyes hardened with determination and he nodded.


I smiled in relief and pulled out my knife and a few pieces of bread. "This is all I've got, although there's some cold soup in the car."I explained and watched as Percy's eyes lit up and handed it to him. "Careful," I added in warning, "you shouldn't even be having solids." The warning went unheeded when he took it and gobbled it down. I glanced up and he stood, holding the wall for support.

I got a full look of him then. Covered in cuts, dirt and blood, his left wrist definitely sprained, and a cut over his left eye that I knew was infected. Anger surged through me but I chomped down on it, shoving it back into the tiny part of my mind to deal with later (when I could channel it into something better). The door exploded and Percy and I glanced up in surprise.

"Could you be any less noticeable?" I snapped. Alpha smirked at me but then he looked at Percy in concern.

"Wow, you look horrible." I glared at him and Alpha shrugged and Percy smiled slightly. I didn't notice the confusion clouding his eyes as Luke came around the corner looking curious.

"Can you two not argue for ten minutes?" He muttered in exasperation before looking up and noticing Percy. His expression filled with relief and he smiled widely. "Let's get to the car." I wrapped Percy's arm around my shoulder and we limped out of the dungeon.

Author's Note: I'm going to let you guys imagine what happened next... =D most of that chapter had been cut out for some reason. >.< So, what was left in there didn't make any sense. I hate word sometimes.

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