Chapter 30

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Chapter Five

Annabeth's POV

I looked out at the sky. It was now nighttime and the moon was probably one of the biggest I had even seen. The stars where clearer then any I had seen before and the sky earlier had been a more deep blue, it was still Sky-Blue, but on the darker said of it. I was so deep in my thoughts that I hadn't noticed anything else.


I spun around, alarm in my eyes before I relaxed and laughed slightly, "Hey Seaweed Brain."

Percy smiled slightly, "Did I scare you Wise Girl?"

"A little." I admitted, but I was smiling slightly, then I sighed softly.

"What's wrong?" Percy asked. I saw genuine concern in his eyes.

"This reminds me of the Second Giant war. We had been outcasts and now we are again, but If I ever see Jack again..." I let my voice trail off, I was extremely angry at Jack and Percy sighed softly.

"We were allowed back at camp Half-Blood, some longer then others." He sighed again, and looked out at the moon, leaning on the railing. He looked older then any of us, but still vigilant, like a Leopard. Relaxed, yet ready to pounce at a moment's notice. "So many have passed, I've trained so many Warriors but only a few are Immortal." He sighed softly, his Sea-Green eyes that were usually Carefree and twinkling where now deep and thoughtful, yet there was a saddened look in them.

I put a hand on his shoulder, and I murmured, "I know the feeling. I've trained campers but they all go." I rested my head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around me. I felt secure for the first time in 2000 years and I wished yet again that I could have gone after Percy.

I wondered if he was reading my thoughts for he asked, "Annabeth, why did you kiss Jack?"

I sighed and closed my eyes letting the memory go through me before I replied. "I don't know. One moment I was just myself, then he had gone by me and a voice told me to kiss him. I tried to fight it but I couldn't, it just happened. I think it was Gaea."

"Why didn't you come after me?" Percy asked quietly and I looked into his Sea-Green eyes and I sighed softly.

"I tried, I had looked for you for 500 years before Piper and Reyna finally convinced me it was no good. I vowed that I would never love somebody again and I became the goddess of Maidens. At first I was a minor goddess of Wisdom." I looked into his Sea-Green eyes, and I started tearing up, but he wiped the tears away.

"It's okay Annabeth. I had to know." He said softly and I hugged him, before I looked out at the stars.

"This is different Percy, we're gods, yet the Olympians are fading and Jack is taking power over everything, and I know he'll destroy everything. It will be worst then anything else that Gaea could ever do. He will release Typhoon and let him run wild, the mortals will die and all that there will be left is... I don't know. A darkness, Chaos anything." I said softly, and I put my head on his shoulder. 

"We won't let him do that Annabeth, we're still a team despite everything that has happened. We'll do this again, we can defeat Jack." Percy said, determination in his voice and I smiled softly.

"Of course we will." I hugged him and I felt him hug me back.

"Always." He said and I smiled and kissed him.

(Bwa ha ha ha ha ha. I wanted to do that, okay Percy's POV)

Percy's POV

I was shocked but I kissed Annabeth back and her hands slowly went up to my hair while I pulled her closer to me. After what seemed like hours, but in reality it was only minutes we broke apart, panting but grinning non-the-less. We embraced each other and looked at the stars.

Soon Annabeth fell asleep on me and I just looked up at the stars. After awhile I felt someone staring at me and I smiled softly, knowing who it was. "Hey Nico." I said, chuckling slightly and he appeared.

"How do you always know?" Nico asked grumpily.

"I have my ways." I said mysteriously, looking at Nico, who was in front of me now.

"She's right."

"About what?" I asked confused.

"About you being a Seaweed Brain."  He said sarcastically.

"Ha ha."

"Just kidding, she's right about Jack destroying everything, He's even destroying the gods, Athena's ill and Hermes is as well. Jack's worst than any Titan Percy, or monster. He's even worst than Gaea, that's why you need to find Zeus, Poseidon and Hades. There's also a cure for the poison, but it's very rare, and it comes from the deepest pit of Tarterus." Nico said gravely.

"Why is it everything we do include the word 'Tarterus' and 'Rare' and 'Dangerous.'" I complained.

"I didn't say Dangerous." Nico said, frowning. "Never mind, it's Very, very, Dangerous. Probably more so than anything else You've ever done."

"Does that include Bathing in the Stynx?" I asked carefully.

"Yep." Nico said cheerfully.

"And Ladon?"


"Okay, it's dangerous." I said nodding, which made Nico grin.

"That's why I like you!" Nico said cheerfully.



"Explain." I said annoyed.

"Okay, So you need the tear of a mermaid, then you need the blood of the Kraken and an apple of Immortality." Nico said and I nodded it sounded easy enough... "But the reason why you have to go to Tarterus is because there is a Venom in the deepest pit of Tarterus but it reverses the curse and it must be added to complete the mixture." Nico said.

"Oh, right." I said, Nico saluted and I rolled my eyes Nico walked out toward the door and stopped.

"Oh and Percy?"

"Yes Nico?"

"Tell Annabeth."

"Tell her what?" I asked confused.

"I'll let you figure that out." Nico said and walked out, leaving me completely confused.

Nico's POV.

"Oh and Percy?" I said.

"Yes Nico?" Percy said, I could see the curiosity in his eyes.

"Tell Annabeth." I said, grinning.

"Tell her what?" I knew by the tone of his voice that he was confused and I rolled my eyes, I fought against the urge to say Well, Duh. Tell her you love her.

Instead I said, feeling slightly devious, "I'll let you figure that out." Then I walked out and into Bianca.

"Ouch, Nico!" Bianca said glaring at me.

"Sorry," I muttered.

"What were you doing?" She asked suddenly suspicious.

"Talking to Percy." I said.

"About what?" She asked.

"Um... About antidotes and uh..." I stuttered and Bianca eyed me.

"Tell me Nico di Angelo." She said.

"Um... Annabeth?" It came out as a question.

"Uh-huh, okay Nico off you go." And she walked away, leaving me completely confused.

Rise of the Forgotten || A Percy Jackson Chaos AU FanfictionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ