Chapter 58

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Chapter IV


Warning: Major torture, slight language. (And this is why I didn't want to write whump -_-. Ah well, hope I don't scare you away with my sadistic mind –although this proves that my strength is whump.) ? Years Later: Ahahahaha . . . I actually had a concious when it comes to my characters once. -_-

Who am I? Where was I from? What is my name? Who is this person? What is this place? I know I'm on the brink of insanity, but at the same time, I'm not. Why is everything so dark? Everything is so thin; I know I'm trending on my last hope. Will someone come save me? What the hell is going on? All that I feel is pain now. Pain and bleakness and... Something else. I don't know that emotion. What are emotions? Oh yeah, they make somebody human, but what is a human? Am I human myself? Or am I a monster? Maybe that's why I'm being... tortured. The only kind person got hurt because of me. I'm so lost... where am I?

Void glared at me as my lifeless eyes stared ahead blankly. He gave me enough food to keep me alive, sometimes I didn't eat it, but then his servants forced the food down into me. Sometimes it came right back up. I knew I was filthy, but why wouldn't I be? I've been in this hellhole for what seemed like ages, and I knew that that was a very long time. I wasn't sure how I knew, I just did.

"Useless," I heard him snarl as I got kicked in the gut. I let out a gasp of pain and I dropped to my hands, my arms not having the strength to hold me up any longer. "Just leave him here to rot. I can't believe that Chaos thought that he is the Last Hope. I bet it's that Chase girl, or maybe..." I couldn't hear what the being said, not that I really cared. Carefully I pushed myself up, some kind ofsparkflyingup insideof me, or maybe just sheer stubborn will.

"You'rea warrior, nota hero."

Well, I thought to myself in wry amusement. I may be no warrior, and definitely no hero, but I'm stubborn.

"You'll never get away with this." I rasped, wincing internally as my throat scratched horribly. Void spun around and I was sure he looked surprised.

"So, you do have some fight left in you, after all." The being said, almost smugly, I tried to glare at him but knew it had failed spectacularly. "Hmmm... this'll be more fun knowing that I haven't completely broken you yet."

Something about that sentence sent alarm bells ringing in my head.

"W-What?" I asked, annoyed at the stutter. Void lips twitched and he slowly began to smirk. I gulped as he crossed the room and pulled something out.

A knife.

I watched in morbid horror as Void slowly began to smirk. "This, my old friend..." I nearly snarled at him, " going to take that tiny, little, flame in your warrior mind. Chaos certainly trained his dog well."

Something about that sentence pissed me off.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I growled and Void's sadistic smile slowly widened. Somewhere in my mind's eye I could see someone in a... car? I noticed curly blond hair. Long curly hair.

"Ah... thislittle thing was just forged in the fires of Tartarus and made with the coldest iron that there is in Hades."

My mouth opened slightly, something about that weapon made me want to shy away. "Uh..." He looked a bit like a snake, or a rat.

But don't snakes eat rats?

"That's alright. You'll realize its effects anyways." Void said then knelt down by me so that he was at eyelevel. My head was forced back, and I let out a cry of pain. Void placed the blade under my chin and instantly I felt like I had just gotten a bad case of frostbite, and then maybe freezer burn. Or maybe an oven. Or possibly both. "Just imagine the pain that will happen once this blade digs into your skin..."

Rise of the Forgotten || A Percy Jackson Chaos AU FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now