Chapter 73

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Chapter IX


I stared in surprise at the camp. "So, this is where Void's all so powerful PoW Camp is?" Alpha asked out loud and Annabeth tilted her head.

"It doesn't seem like him." I agreed with my mentor.

Annabeth rolled her eyes, obviously exasperated and I looked at her, interested to know what she was going to tell us. "That's why it is his PoW camp, because it doesn't seem like him. He wants to throw us off."

Alpha and I looked at the camp and I shrugged. "I suppose it was rather stupid to expect a flashy sign with 'VOID'S PRISONER OF WAR CAMP'." I admitted and Annabeth snorted. I sobered quickly and clicked Riptide and my trusty pen/sword clicked into form. We stayed silent and then she nodded and I lowered my hand onto the Earth, causing the ground to tremble.

After the debris cleared away, Annabeth looked at me, seemingly impressed. I shrugged, it was nothing grand when compared to some of the other stuff that I had done, on purpose or otherwise.


It was a grand mess of mass chaos, no pun intended. Void's followers were fleeing under our very attacks and I had a suspicion that they had no idea how to fight.

Or perhaps it was Alpha, who looked a bit like a monster depraved from his prey. Or Annabeth, who's calculating grey eyes flashed dangerously, or perhaps it were the skeletons that Nico and Bianca had created...

Or perhaps it was a mixture. Whatever it was, I felt a rush of fierce pride in my friends and comrades rise in me because... they truly were family.


I looked over my shoulder and knelt by the woman, pulling out my knife. She seemed to go backward but I shook my head and smiled sadly at her. "You won't hurt me?" the woman whispered softly. Fury rose in me, not at her but at Void. How could such a ruthless tyrant exist?

"No," I replied simply, "But I need to cut your bounds."

The woman hesitated, but then she held her wrists out and I gently took them and cut through the rope. She smiled at me and stood and I copied her example and glanced around. It seemed like almost everyone had been freed already. I shook my head, smiling in slight amusement; the warriors were ones who liked to get the job done quickly.

"Annabeth?" a familiar voice questioned and I turned to snap at Alpha but stopped when I saw the look on his face. "Doesn't something about this place seem... off?"

I paused and glanced over my shoulder. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed a shadowy figure, but then the next moment it was gone so I figured I had imagined it.

"Yeah," I agreed shifting my weight. "It seems to be almost... too easy."

Just as soon as I said those words the bushes rustled and several little... cats jumped out of them.

"You just had to jinx it, didn't you?" A familiar voice grumbled and I felt someone's back on mine. I rolled my eyes, readying my knife.

"Shut up, Percy and concentrate on the enemy."

I thought I heard a soft chuckle as the warm presence disappeared. Well, not completely, I could feel him somehow at my shoulder guarding my back even though he was several feet away fighting the little cats.

I shook my head and cut through the army of cats, I needed to be vigilant.


I watched as the enemy cut down my allies, with apparent ease. In the middle of the fray was the ex apprentice, Alpha and I felt a snarl rise in me. Such a simpleton, he couldn't even see what was set blindly in front of him.

"Milady," a new voice murmured at my side and I turned to look at Jack Firefox coolly. The cowardly scoundrel whimpered. "We need to leave and tell Lord Void that everything has gone accordingly to plan."

I sighed and tossed my head. "Fine," I grumbled, "I just hope that damned star doesn't get in our way."

Firefox snickered and his shoulders shook as he tried to repress his laughter, "As if that puny star could do anything against our master, Sagittarius and Taurus."

I turned to him, "Don't forget that 'that puny star' is a member of the Zodiac and that he is the Lion." I reminded him sharply and he shook his head.

"Whatever, it's not like it can do anything against us."

I sighed and shook my head, he would never learn. "That overconfidence will get you killed one day Firefox." I warned him and the fool shook his head, his eyes still laughing at my concern.

"Whatever you say, Jay-Jay." He chuckled at me and I narrowed my eyes.

"Don't call me that, now come on."

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