Chapter 68

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Chapter IV


I sat down and stared at the child laying, peacefully, in slumber on the bed. My child—the child that had disappeared (been stolen when he was barely a day old) so many years ago and he was now... here. Alive and in front of me, breathing and his chest proved that he was breathing and...

It all seemed like a dream that was about to slip from my grasp.

I was in a state of disbelief, shock and hesitant hope. I could barely believe it was him... I bowed my head and closed my eyes, resting my head against his bed. I so dearly hoped that this wasn't a dream... but then, hadn't I thought the same thing about Annabeth and that hadn't turned into a dream...

Oh, Hades—Annabeth. I had no idea how to explain this to her that I did not love Bianca —well, okay, I loved her one would love a best friend or a sister, same thing really— because she had known Samuel longer then both of us...

It was going to be an... interesting conversation for sure, once this whole mess got straightened out...

Interesting and awkward.

"Father...?" a soft voice question and I shot up from my temporary doze and I stared at him in shock and awe. He was awake. Samuel's brown eyes –just a shade darker then Bianca's are – blinked sleepily and he smiled slightly.

"Are you alright?" I asked, reaching out on instinct and Sam nodded.

"Mmm-hmm..." he mumbled and he smiled up at me. "...sleepy though."

I felt my heart melt at the sight of his almost puppy dog eyes. "Then get some sleep," I urged gently and he shook his head.

"...just found you after a long time." He protested, but his eyes were already drooping. I felt tears burn my eyes as he fell to a dreamland and I gently kissed his forehead.

"I'm here now, my son, and I promise I won't leave you ever again..."


Frustration and fear—both were emotions that I was getting used to. I had to get used to them a while back anyways, I had to always be on guard for an attack by Void.

Percy had lived with this frustration and fear for nearly two thousand years and he hadn't been able to show it.

He had had to protect a kingdom (I don't care if he called it a realm, to me it would be kingdom) of people who would put their trust in them daily.

I was sure I would have broken under that pressure after two weeks. Hades—I did in the giant war when he had disappeared for eight months.

Like I said, leading would never be my natural point. I would always prefer to be an advisor.

But this, this was different. I had never been this far out of my element before, but now... it was like someone had bombed my home out.

That, when one would speak technically, had happened.

"Annabeth?" a soft, soothing voice called out in the darkness and I glanced up, slightly surprised and looked up at her concerned face. "Are you alright?"

I stretched out, buying time to answer her question. "I'm fine, Bianca," I murmured softly, "Just... tired of all of this."

Bianca nodded in understanding, "I can feel that the big battle is close to coming," she admitted. "Soon it'll all end."

I felt a stab of relief and... sadness as well, although it was for more selfish reasons. I would never see Percy again after this, probably. He would have to take over as Chaos (which I still found mind boggling, we had to talk about that eventually) and I would have to go back to Olympus to help rebuild Earth.

I was sure Percy would be happy; he would have Bianca, who was much more rational and better for him anyways. And they already had a son (something else we needed to talk about) but there was that tiny voice murmuring 'what if' in the back of my head.

"I'm sure it'll be... different not having to watch over your shoulder." I murmured softly and Bianca looked at me curiously, "Although it'll be weird being back on Earth without... everyone."

I almost said Percy.

Bianca's seemed to realize something, because her eyes widened with surprise, and then she smiled sadly at me and bowed her head. "Annabeth," she murmured quietly. "You know Percy and I haven't been in a relationship in over five hundred years?"

I felt my eyes widen and I stared at her. "What? But I had assumed..."

She chuckled slightly and shook her head, smiling wanly. "He's always loved you, whether he admitted it or not. It was an accident, but a good one." She shrugged and stood up, stepping away and into the shadows, suddenly copying Nico's signature move.

I was left in silence, and with a lot of questions.


I glanced up at my master and bowed my head, expecting rebuke for letting the boy's will come back but I didn't get it.

That terrified me, because that meant that the master was angry.

"The boy got away from your clutches, and now he is with his father—and he has his freewill back?" My master's voice bellowed at me and I flinched.

"P-please, master, have mercy on me. I do not believe that the boy has told Percy Jackson yet." I stuttered and my master leaned back in interest.

"The only reason I keep you here is because I need someone to spy on that Apprentice to Chaos anyways." He coldly stated, and then he smirked slightly. "Tell the boy that if he tells anyone... nothing will save his family from being razed."

I smirked as well and bowed. "Yes, my lord," I replied respectfully, and then I left.

Rise of the Forgotten || A Percy Jackson Chaos AU FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now