Chapter 69

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Chapter V


"...ake up, Seaweed Brain," an amused, familiar voice greeted warmly and I raised my head off of my son's makeshift bed to glare beadily at her.

I bet it wasn't even seven o'clock in the morning too.

"Go 'way," I mumbled childishly, her face blurring slightly and she laughed. I smiled slightly at the sound of her voice and buried my head back into the blessed darkness.

I never said I was a morning person.

"Seriously, Percy, you've got to wake up." Her tone turned serious and I became more alert and I stared at her. "The avalanches are picking up and they're getting stronger."

I glanced at Samuel (my son!) and stood up unwillingly. She smiled sympathetically at me and held out her hand. I paused and then gently entwined my fingers with hers and I took comfort from the fact that she hadn't killed me yet.

Or rejected me, either, apparently... or at least, she hadn't yet.

"He'll be here when you come back," she reassured me. I stared at her, unconsciously tilting my head in slight confusion.

How in the world had I lived without her?

"Yeah," I agreed softly, "He will be."

If I couldn't take my eyes off of her... well, she didn't mention it.


I stared in shock at the avalanches. "They're picking up?" I echoed incredulously and I glanced at Annabeth out of the corner of my eye. "They're... they're... it's like they just..." I gestured wildly, unable to explain it and Annabeth blushed slightly.

"Sorry," she apologized sheepishly.

I just shook my head and watched the mountains shake. Another crumbled and I winced at the agony that sheered through me at the impact.

Soon we'll have to go... it's getting to dangerous here and the protections are failing.

"Soon," I murmured under my breath and Annabeth looked at me in confusion. "We'll have to leave soon." I clarified for her and she nodded with a soft sigh. I pulled her into me and hugged her with one arm. She wrapped her arm around my waist and we just stood there, watching and waiting.


"Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the fire that burns against the cold, the light that brings the dawn, the horn that wakes the sleepers, the shield that guards the realms of men ..."

I watched Percy, thinking of those lines as he helped the last of the people escape from the ruins. Or at least, what he could get. He had been watching the world for so long, and he won't stop until he dies after all. Or, in this case, fades. He never has flaunted the fact that he is the apprentice to Chaos, and he (apparently) has all of the deity's powers. Although he had never denied it either. He would never have glory, not now or ever, he had always been shunned or others had taken his glory. He was my savior, he brought light into my life, and he had always watched over me. He had always been like fire...

I smiled softly and Percy elbowed me lightly. "What are you thinking about?" he asked curiously. I grinned and elbowed him back, then went back to collapsing the rocks.

Yes, I was trying to destroy the rock pile by collapsing it.

"You," I replied truthfully. "I was just thinking about a quote and it reminds me a lot of you."

Percy blinked, and then he shrugged with a slight smile. "If you say so," he allowed and he pulled some rocks out. I rolled my eyes, shifted so that I was closer to him and pulled out another rock from the pile. A few more fell down and he kissed my cheek before going back to work.

I couldn't remember the last time my face had felt so warm.


I watched with wide eyes the preparations everyone had been making when I felt someone grab my upper arm. I glanced up in fear and surprise and I stared openmouthed at the person.

"Let go of me!" I hissed, trying to yank my arm out of her grasp. The woman's eyes narrowed and her lips thin. "I won't go back there!" I glared at her and she yanked me close so that I would have no choice but to hug her.

"Listen to me, child," she growled her voice deadly calm. "If you tell your father about what happened during those two thousand years and our plans then not only will you die a painful death, but so will your mother, and your father and... oh, what was her name again? Oh yes, Aunty Annabeth."

I spat at her, shaking my hand out of her grasp although I was inwardly quaking in fear. "Fine," I snarled, turning away. I knew how much that angered her. "But if you hurt them..." I let the threat hang in the air and the woman tossed her head.

"Have I ever broken a promise before, Samuel?" she purred and I met her in the eyes.

"Yes." I smirked as well and bowed. "Yes, my lord," I replied respectfully, and then I left.

Rise of the Forgotten || A Percy Jackson Chaos AU Fanfictionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن