Chapter 36

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Chapter Eleven 

Percy's POV

It had been three days, two monster attacks and several bathroom breaks when we got to Laden's lair, or Hesperrides' garden, or as Zoe likes to call it, the garden of snooty girls, and right now Nico, Piper, Bianca and Annabeth were arguing who was going in.

"I'll go in as I have the most knowledge on him." Annabeth was arguing.

"You might have the most knowledge but I can just charmspeak Ladon into staying alone." Piper argued back.

"Charmspeaking won't work, and I can summon a dead army." Bianca and Nico both argued at once.

"Stop." I said, looking at my friends, but they didn't hear me. "STOP." I shouted and everyone quieted down. "I'll go because I have the most knowledge on Ladon, and I've seen what he can do, twice." I added, rubbing the upper part of my arm, remembering how Ladon had bit me. It was a good thing that Luke, Zoe and Calypso were there...

They looked at my stubborn face, and sighed slightly, knowing that I wouldn't budge.

"Fine Torrent." Nico sighed, "But take Annabeth." Annabeth and I looked at each other and shrugged, we said goodbye to our friends and walked up to Ladon.

"You ready?" I asked Annabeth.

"No, I'm never ready, usually when you're around Perseus." Annabeth said, I hugged her and she hugged me back.

"Don't worry Wise Girl, we'll come out." I whispered into her hair and she smiled then we walked into the garden.


I dodged the hundred-headed dragon at deadly speeds, twirling my sword with deadly accuracy. Annabeth spun her knife at impossible speeds. So far we had cut off about 50 heads, and there was now 49 more to go.

I spun around and summoned fire from my palm, and sent it hurtling at the dragon, when a sudden cry came out from Annabeth, and I saw that a knife was in her shoulder. I finished the last 7 heads and ran over to her.

"Annabeth? What happened?" I asked.

"J-Jack... Prophecy... Thief." Annabeth managed. She held her stomach in pain, and I put my hand on her stomach, and the skin healed.  

"Annabeth, did Jack stab you?" I asked, concerned.

"Yes." She said, and then to my surprise hugged me tightly.

Annabeth's POV

I hugged Percy, not wanting to let go. He hugged me back, and I realized what the 2nd line of the prophecy meant, but I didn't let go of him. I shivered not recovered from the stab and Percy noticed. I could tell by the way he looked at me that he was concerned.

"Annabeth, are you okay?"

"I'm fine. The 2nd line of the Prophecy has been fulfilled." I said, and Percy picked an apple from the tree.

"You do? But how does Daughter of Wisdom beware the Thief fit in with Ladon?" He asked, I rolled my eyes and answered him, blushing slightly.

"Daughter of Wisdom That's me. Beware the Thief, That means to watch out for Jack. The thief meant that he stole you from... me." I said, blushing now. He looked at me and smiled slightly, I suddenly realized what I wanted. I stared into his green eyes, and he into mine.

He put me on the ground, and I staggered slightly, before he put his arm around my waist. I put the apple in the enchanted bag that Piper had given me. It was suppose to carry whatever you wanted, and it would be as light as a feather.

I looked up and saw my friends and their faces showed relief when they saw me. I noticed that it was twilight, and I wondered how long I was in there.

"Thank the gods." Bianca said, relief in her voice.

"How long?" Percy asked as I pulled out the apple, and five cloaks. They were green, grey, black, silver and white and I gave Percy the green one, Piper the white Nico the black and Bianca the silver, which they took gratefully.

"Three days." Nico said, and Percy's eyes widened.

"It was only three hours." I said confused.

"No, remember, time travels differently." Piper said.

"Oh." I said.

"We have to go find the Kraken in the morning." Nico said, sighing wearily, we nodded and set camp.


"Percy?" I whispered and Percy's form walked over to me. He was on guard duty, but I couldn't sleep.

"Annabeth?" He whispered and put a hand on my shoulder.

"What's going to happen?" I asked, not even trying to hide the fear in my voice.

"I don't know." Percy said, sighing slightly. When I looked at him, I saw not the Seaweed Brain that I once knew, but a warrior. He seemed more serious, and yet at times he could be fun. I could almost believe that he had never gone, but I knew better, then he spoke again. "It's been happening so fast. Now we're looking for a Kraken, and It's going to be bad."

I looked into his eyes and whispered, "I'll be here Seaweed Brain, I'll never leave you again. We'll do this together, and we will make Gaea go so deep into Tartarus that she'll never be able to wake up again."

He smiled slightly, and whispered, "I'll never leave you either Wise Girl. Never."

Piper's POV

I felt slightly guilty listening to Percy's and Annabeth's conversation, but I wanted to know what they we're talking about.

" fast. Now we're looking for the Kraken, and it's going to be bad." Percy whispered. There was a pause before Annabeth replied.

"I'll be here Seaweed Brain. I'll never leave you again. We will do this together, and we will make Gaea go so deep into Tartarus that she'll never be able to wake up again." I watched them, and I could tell that Nico and Bianca were listening as well by now.

"I'll never leave you either Wise Girl, never." I felt the love coming from both of them and smiled slightly and close my eyes.

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