Chapter 12

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Chapter VI

"Perseus!" she called and Percy stopped his swift gait and he turned to face the goddess who looked slightly desperate. Alpha stopped with him, his stance protective. "Please, I need to talk with you." She pleaded. Percy paused for a moment, and then nodded, sighing softly.

"Alright," he murmured and Alpha paused.

"Percy, are you sure?" The apprentice hissed. Percy smiled slightly and nodded.

"Yes. After all, who would I be to deny the person who gave me a chance to live something that she seems to desperately want?" He raised an eyebrow at Athena, who looked slightly sheepish. Alpha nodded and went down the halls, his cloak billowing out behind him impressively. "Loose the flair..." Percy mumbled under his breath, and then he looked at Athena. "I'm not going back." He stated bluntly. "So if that's what you're here for..."

She shook her head. "No, I wouldn't expect you to anyways."

Percy paused. "Uh... then why are you here?"

She rolled her eyes. "I am a part of the council," she grumbled. "I have no more love for Zeus then you do, which is why I do stay." Percy raised an eyebrow, wondering if there was some sense of twisted logic in that. "I just want to warn you that Void will do anything and everything to get you back to Earth. I can try to delay it for as long as I can, but eventually you will have to go back." Her eyes were stormy and Percy tilted his head to the side.

"Back to Earth, or to Camp Half-Blood?" He questioned.

"I don't know," she sighed. "All that I know is that you'll have to go back to Earth someday."

Percy bowed his head, then looked up and smiled sadly at her. "Thank you, Lady Athena," he murmured. She smiled at him as he turned on his heel and raced down the hall after Alpha.


"...Now, remember to pay attention." Alpha finished sternly and Percy jumped, saluting the apprentice sarcastically.

"Yes, sir." he sassed. Alpha rolled his eyes and ruffled his hair. Then he paused and bit his lip. "Um... will I still be learning from you, after I'm anointed?" He asked, finally showing uncertainly. Alpha smiled slightly and nodded.


Percy was relieved, but then another questioned popped into his mind and he sunk slightly into his chair. "What if I'm not ready for this?" He asked, looking at his friend pleadingly. "I'll probably end up destroying something in the process by accident..." he whispered. Alpha stared at him, and then shook his head.

"Percy," he murmured. "If anyone is ready for this, it's you. Heck, you're already a warrior, so what's a fancy title going to change how you are?"

Percy smiled at him, bowing his head slightly "Thanks." He murmured. Alpha chuckled, stood and ruffled his hair.

"No problem."


Percy walked down the halls, the cloak billowing out behind him dramatically, his face blank but his eyes told his inner turmoil. He reached the alter and knelt, bowing his head as he murmured his oaths in front of the nobles of Vanguard and Chaos. "I, Perseus, Son of Earth and Sea, do so swear my loyalty to you and only to you. I vow to protect these people, with my life if need may be. I vow to watch over the universes..." and so it went on, with the ruler of the universe asking questions and Percy agreeing to them. Chaos smiled at him and he returned it, and he rested his hand on his head.

"Then rise, Torrent, Warrior of Chaos and Primordial of Loyalty and Hope." Gasps sounded through the hall, but when Percy looked up at the ruler he could see the rebellious twinkle in his eyes and he wondered what it meant.

The newly anointed Percy's eyes sparked with a fire, a fire that most would have thought had been diminished, for it had not been seen in eleven years as he stood tall and proud. He glanced at Alpha, who smiled at him and he returned it, allowing his emotions to be seen.


"So," Percy began his question as he danced around Alpha. "What caused the people in the ceremony to get so... moved when Chaos announced my title?" He ducked as Alpha punched the air above him and he reached out to grab his arm but the apprentice anticipated his move and he got out of the way easily, sending a back kick at Percy who sprang back and flipped over, using his hand as a balance as he landed.

"Well, for one, there have never been warriors of Chaos before, for another you usually have to train for fifty years before you can even get a title to be a hero, and that's early." Alpha karate chopped at Percy, who blocked it. "And thirdly, it's rare to even get to be named as a primordial, let alone given two things at the same time, as you're being named."

Percy raised an eyebrow and skittered around Alpha, pulling his hands up in a defensive position. "It sounds like Chaos was being rebellious." He mused, watching Alpha as the apprentice paced around him. "Plus, I really didn't need to draw more attention to myself."

Alpha chuckled. "Percy, you are already a warrior in eight years, and you're obviously powerful. Honestly, being named a primordial won't do much more to draw attention to you." He kicked out and Percy jumped back. "Plus," he added sassily, "You can withstand me for more than two minutes." Percy rolled his eyes at his feigned arrogance and kicked out. Alpha didn't jump back in time, and so he was on the floor with Percy looking down at him with innocent eyes, although there was a slight smirk on his lips.

"Yes, and I can also beat ya." He crowed happily and Alpha rolled his eyes.

"Out of how many times?" he questioned sharply. Percy pouted slightly.

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