[Book I] Chapter 1

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Rise of the Forgotten

Author's Note: I started this series around 2/3 years ago, in fact, The Forgotten Warrior was my 2nd story with Unexpected being a close third, if you don't count the one I deleted in a fit of embarrassment. I didn't know much about writing, actually, I knew nothing. All dialogue was smashed together, I had so many spelling errors and quite a few Grammar errors, but, I really did enjoy writing this series. And I'm proud of it, too. Despite all the various errors, especially in regards to characterization and plotlines (ignore the plotholes, by the way), it shows how far I've come as a writer. Honestly, when I started this series, it was mostly out of anger due to the fact that Percy hated Annabeth. I still will never understand why people do that, Annabeth wouldn't cheat on Percy unless she had a reason... Back to the topic. I started this not even expecting for it to develop so much, all I had planned at first was The Forgotten Warrior, but, well, you see what happened? Eight books formed out of that tiny idea.

Anyways, I'm not editing this first draft at all, except for formatting, of course. As I said before, it shows just how far I've come as a writer. Despite all the OOC and plotholes in the beginning (Unexpected, Forgotten Warrior, Darkest Hour), it does get better once I hit The Last Hope, even though TLH was practically impossible to write. There was a jump in my writing style, it got more serious and realistic, but there was still humor hidden within it. Maybe because I wasn't 11 but 12/13 then, and I understood what I was writign about better, LOL. I don't know. Something about it just, well, changed. I'm not sure how or why, but it did. The last two books really show how much I improved, especially that one chapter I wrote in 3rd person point of view during LMYS, which, by the time, I was very confident in writing.

And that's why I'm proud, not because its my best written series, not because it was my most original plotline (actually, its one of my least original toward the beginning), but because I stuck with it even though I had several rough patches. And my writing improved throughout it, a lot. That's why I'm not editing this draft, because I want to look back on it and smile about how far I've come.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I had fun writing it. I'm fully aware that its not my best work, but you can still give me constructive critism in my review thread for my edited version. Actually, in fact, I welcome it. After all, how I am going to grow if all I receive is flattery?

Anyways, thank you for reading, its been a honour.


Chapter One

Leo's POV

I stood at the brow of the Argo II and we had just won the war with Gaea. It had been two years since I had seen anyone other than the other six. I liked my friends, but I wondered if we would stay friends due to the whole Greek/Roman thing, I really hoped so, who else would stop Piper from murdering me painfully?

"Can't wait to see Camp Jupiter?" Some asked and I spun around my sword/hammer in my hand. I relaxed when I saw him.

"Percy. Don't do that, you scared the Hades out of me. And yeah, I can't, although I can live without Octavian." I added the last part chuckling, thinking about the crazy teddy-bear-murdering auger.

Percy chuckled slightly while smiling at the same time. "I miss them too, oh--" he was interrupted by Festus, who had made a whirring and clicking sound.

I chuckled slightly, "Okay Festus, take us down."

"What'd he say?" Percy asked curiously.

"He said that we're right above Camp Jupiter"

Reyna's POV

I watched as the Argo II landed. I was excited to see the seven again and when the ship landed in the lake with a soft splash I didn't even mask my excitement, well, no one was trying to mask it either by the way that their eyes were shinning.

Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter had joined together to protect the mortals as best as we could while Gaea went wild trying to destroy Earth. Both camps now stayed at Camp Jupiter as Camp Half-Blood had been destroyed.

All of us wore signs of the battles, cuts, twisted Ankles, dislocated shoulders, etc.

When the ship opened seven battle weary demigods stepped out. I immediately noticed how different they looked. When I had last seen them they were almost amateur to everything, well, compared to what they looked like now.

They looked battle-weary, older and much more mature. Their auras had grown. Percy and Jason radiated almost more power than an Olympian, Annabeth was like an Olympian and Piper, Frank, Hazel and Leo were like Hestia-level.

They looked different as well.

Piper's kalescope eyes flashed different colors faster than I could tell. From blue to green, to grey, to hazel, to brown, although they were pretty they were intimidating as well. Her once choppy brown hair flowed to her waist in waves. She gave an aura of warmth.

Hazel's warm brown eyes seemed to fill me with ease, but they seemed haunted as well. Her brown hair was in a side braid, it was about five inches long and she gave an aura of regret.

Frank's bizarre baby face was still there, but it seemed older. His buzz cut hair thing was gone instead it was shoulder length like Jason's, Percy's and Leo's. He gave an aura of joy, but suffering as well. Annabeth was different from the others. Like Piper, her blond hair was down and waist length, her stormy gray eyes seemed to be analyzing things as well. Like the others, she gave an aura, which seemed to make me feel like I could think of a thousand things at once.

Jason's was also different. Like Frank, his blond hair was shoulder length, and his electric blue eyes seemed to spark (no pun intended) with electricity. His aura seemed to make me feel braver.

Percy's was even more interesting than the others. His sea-green eyes seemed to see right through my soul. They were filled with memories though, and his stare, even if it wasn't a glare, was almost more terrible than Lupa's. But his eyes held warmth as well they seemed to give me good, fond, memories. His black hair was still the same, but it was just longer. His aura made me feel loyal.

But the strangest was Leo's, and I strangely felt attracted to it. His warm brown eyes seemed to draw mine to him, and they reflected the humor in him, yet sadness as well. His curly black hair was just slightly shorter than the other boys' hair. Like the others' auras, his reminded me of family.

They all had a few things in common though. The battle-weariness was in their eyes, and all of them had multiple injuries. But the trust in their eyes was so deep that I knew nothing could shatter it, and besides, their auras had one thing that they shared. The lost of loved ones.

"Hey, we're back." Percy said finally.

Immediately everyone surged forward and the seven were soon being patted on the back, or hand shaking. Somehow I ended up next to Leo, but I didn't really mind.

"Hi." Leo said, he seemed to be grinning like a madman and I figured he was just happy to be home.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked.

"Well, the sky, the moon, Uranus, sky, planes, birds, stars, flying boats, Pegasi, Galaxy-"

"Leo." I said, letting down my cold exterior for once and letting out a chuckle. "Even though that is very true you know what I mean."

"Oh, so you don't want to know what's up because I can name plenty more-Apollo, clouds, flying cars-"

"Flying cars?"

"Oh. Yeah. There isn't any. Fine, um... a helicopter?"

"Leo there isn't any-" I began but faltered when a small toy helicopter flew out of Leo's hand. "How did you do that?"

Leo laughed. "It's a long story that involves the underworld, three very angry hellhounds, and a very, very, angry giant."

Rise of the Forgotten || A Percy Jackson Chaos AU FanfictionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ