I gazed into his face and he sighed. "How did you find out who you were Percy? How did you find out it was Kronos who stole the helm, the lightning bolt? How did you regain your memory? There's only one way to get rid of confusion, it takes time. You can ask people to explain simple matters but in reality it takes time."

I stared at him before smiling softly. "Thank you, Alpha."

Alpha chuckled, "Your Welcome, Torrent."

Nico's POV

Thalia and I were on the last guard duty and I was very frustrated. The sun was just starting to rise into the maroon sky, which was more orange then maroon at the moment, and my powers were not working at all.

"I can't see what is going to happen!" I growled through clenched teeth.

Thalia smiled at me slightly. "It's Okay Nico." She sighed somewhat, "It'll happen anyway."

I looked at her in concern. "Thals, what's wrong?"

She shook her head. "No... it's nothing. It's just something stupid. Well, sort of. I'm not sure. It's more like me still being afraid of heights stupid." She groaned and put her head in her hands.

I looked at her slightly concerned. "How about you tell me?" I said making it sound like a question.

Thalia looked at me somewhat doubtfully and then she leaned her head onto my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around her shoulders and she remained silent looking at the horizon thoughtfully. "I'm afraid of the last two lines of the prophecy." She answered finally.

I looked slightly confused and I answered, "You mean A single oath she must keep with her final breath, to be lost or saved by the arms of death."

Thalia nodded. "Yes." She seemed hesitant but went on. "I like someone but I'm a hunter. I don't want him to die so I'm trying to stay away from him but well... it isn't working." I felt a slight tug of sadness inside of me but I ignored it. "I don't even know if he likes me back Death Boy."

I looked at her raising an eyebrow. "Thalia, whoever he is would be insane not to like you. Trust me on this."

Thalia smiled at me somewhat tearfully. "Thanks Nico, you really are sweet." I smiled at her then she continued, "I... I think that I might die trying to protect him... or trying not to fall in love..." She whimpered slightly.

I put my pointer finger under her chin and gently guided her face so that she was looking into my eyes. "Thalia," I said firmly looking into her eyes where fear, sorrow and desperation shone through. "You are not going to die. I promise I won't let you, and if you do, I'll do everything to bring you back."

Thalia smiled at me through somewhat teary eyes. "You won't be able to bring me back Death Boy. You can't defy the laws of death. Not only would Hades kill you but it would upset the balance of the world."

I looked at her and smiled softly when I saw her concern. "Don't worry Thalia, I promise I'll do everything in my power to protect you but not upset the balance of the world."

Little did the two know but on the other side of the path, Percy was saying the same thing to Annabeth.

Annabeth's POV

I dodged left of the blow of a man, not sure who I was fighting. I dodged left of a fist and I started to fall but someone caught me.

"Annabeth! Are you okay?" He said holding me. I nodded unconsciously and he smiled at me. He let go of me and turned back to the man.

Suddenly time seemed to slow down as a dagger appeared out of nowhere heading straight for my heart. I knew instantly it was going to hit and then someone tackled me.

My heart stopped. "PERCY!" I shouted.

"PERCY!" I shouted and shot up panting. I saw familiar Green orbs appear and I grabbed him in a hug.

"Shh... it's okay Annabeth." He murmured into my hair.

I sobbed slightly. "You got attacked... a dagger..." I whimpered.

Percy looked confused then his expression cleared. "Oh." He murmured then his eyes softened. "Annabeth, It's okay."

I looked at him. "Please Percy, whatever you do, do not do something stupid..."

Percy's eyes lit up in laughter and I smiled somewhat.

"Annabeth," He said seriously and pulled my chin up. "I promise I'll protect you, and I'll try to stay alive."

I smiled, not realizing he made a Warrior's Vow.

Rise of the Forgotten || A Percy Jackson Chaos AU Fanfictionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن