(Bwa ha ha ha, I just love cliffhangers xD)

Percy's POV

I was cursing madly in many different languages. Crystal was whacking my head repeatedly with dog food while muttering "There are children here Perseus Orion Jackson, Children!" It was somewhat unfair as Nico was cursing far worst then me, if looks could kill Nico would be dead by now, curtsy of Bianca.

Annabeth had been watching the whole process through slightly amused eyes but then she turned toward the sign and muttered a cuss as she kicked the sign.

Okay, you're probably trying to figure out why we are so mad. Well, you know that line But they must take the double path, will the help of the sea's wrath. That is coming true, well, sort of. The first part is we still have no idea what the second part means.

I stared at the signs in slight dismay, in Greek ____ and ____ (Athens and Sparta), then below it, it said _______ (Welcome demigods, decide your fate to live or die) I had translated the top sign into saying Athens and Sparta and the line below them Welcome demigods, decide your fate to live or die.

"I don't get it," Annabeth suddenly muttered in English and everyone turned to look at her in shock. "There was a legend that I told Crystal about Athens and Sparta-"

Crystal's eyes widened in slight recognition as she said, "Sparta was known as death and Athens was life. Why though?"

Annabeth gave her a dry smile and I suddenly remembered something Annabeth had told me long ago. "Wasn't there a big battle?" I asked, "Wasn't Sparta angry at Athens for taking their territory?"

"No," Annabeth said sighing slightly. "No one knows why the Peloponnesian war started Seaweed Brain."

"I do," A different voice answered and everyone spun around to see three strange people, two boys and a girl.

The girl was about thirteen. She was tall for her age, about 5'4, and slightly tanned. She had warm kalescope eyes that seemed to be full of thought as well as laughter. Her auburn hair came down over her shoulder and to her waist and it was slightly curly.

Next to the girl was a boy with freckles scattered about his cheeks. He seemed to be about fourteen, fifteen but it was kind of hard to tell. Like the girl, he was tall for his age, probably about 5'8. His eyes were grey, not stormy-grey like Annabeth's but dark grey, almost black. He had brown hair that looked like he had just come out of bed.

On the right side of the girl was the boy who had talked. He was about 6'3 and like the girl he was tanned but like the boy he had freckles across his nose. His eyes seemed to change color, not like the girl's or Piper's, they seemed to switch between emerald green and sapphire blue. His hair was blond and was cut like Jason's.

"Did you know that in 431 BC Ancient Greece was not a nation? It was a large collection of rival city-states located on the Greek mainland, on the west coast of Asia Minor, and on the many islands of the Aegean Sea." The boy said cheerfully.

"Most of the city-states had become allied with one or the other of the leading military powers, Athens and Sparta. Athens was a great naval power, while Sparta relied mainly on its army for superiority. In 431 BC these alliances went to war against each other in a conflict called the Peloponnesian War. The war, which went on for 27 years, and it was named for the Peloponnesus, the peninsula on which Sparta is located." The boy grinned at our stunned looks, well, except Annabeth's.

Annabeth continued from there for him. "The result of the war was the crushing defeat of Athens and the end of its maritime empire. A more long-range result was the weakening of all the city-states. This made them vulnerable to a takeover by Macedonia several decades later. A brilliant account of the war was written by the historian Thucydides as events unfolded. His work still stands as a definitive source of information on the war." The boy smiled at her as the girl grinned and continued for them.

Rise of the Forgotten || A Percy Jackson Chaos AU FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now