Chapter 84: Transitions

Start from the beginning

He was silent for some time as he contemplated it, then he spoke.

"I believe I may have over-evaluated you." He began. "Upon your arrival to our team, you have shown us that you try to do things in accordance with what you believe is right, instead of doing what everyone else believes is the right choice."

"I just wanted what was best for everyone."

"Are you sure that is what you wanted? You seemed to be putting your own intentions first above everyone else's interests."

 Michael fell silent at this, and Optimus spoke again.

"There is nothing wrong with doing what you believe is the right choice, Michael. However, there are limits, and there are times when things can't be brought to reality or be prevented by doing it on your own, no matter what knowledge you may carry." 

Michael remained silent as he thought about this.

It was true he had gone off to do things on his own without telling anyone or handling situations by himself without asking for help from the others, but he had only done it so things could work in everyone's favor, or so he had told himself.

But had he really done it for that reason?

Or did he do it because he thought it had been the right thing to do at the time?


Later, Michael was laying in his and Bumblebee's room, thinking about Optimus's words.

As scared as he was to admit it, he knew that Optimus was right.

Maybe he wasn't pure-sparked after all, but this left him with another question.

Was everything he believed in, and the actions he had taken because of those beliefs and values, all been for naught?

The sound of the door opening caught his attention, pulling him from his thoughts, and he looked up, his widening optics immediately locking on the sight before him as his faceplate heated up.

Bumblebee, who had gone for a shower in the time Michael had spoken with Optimus, was now standing in the doorway wearing a Cybertronian-sized towel that Michael had materialized for him around his waist, his freshly-washed frame sparkling in the room's light.

Unlike humans, Cybertronians didn't need towels for purposes like showers unless it was to dry themselves, though they had them regardless, but it was more for personal comfort than privacy.

Michael couldn't look away from him as his faceplate turned a very deep shade of blue, which Bumblebee noticed, and he smirked.

"Like what you see?" He asked softly as he raised an optic ridge.

Michael couldn't bring himself to find any words as he continued to stare at Bumblebee's beautiful appearance, but he did give an answer through their bond.

"/No, 'Bee. I don't like what I see. I love what I see./"

Bumblebee, smirking even more, began flexing and showing off as he had seen people do through internet searches, which made Michael heat up even further as his faceplate nearly turned as blue as Breakdown's paintwork.

Bumblebee grinned at the result of his flexing, and walked over to Michael, sitting down and pulling him into a deep kiss as the two fell back onto the berth. Breaking the kiss, Michael looked into Bumblebee's optics, and he immediately felt pain as his Spark began to hurt, coolant welling up in his now-pale green optics.

Just hours ago, he had nearly lost Bumblebee forever, and was more than thankful that he was still alive.

He couldn't bear losing him. He had already lost his family, and if he lost Bumblebee...

Bumblebee looked into his optics as his faceplate fell, and he placed a servo on Michael's cheek, gently rubbing it with his thumb as he whispered gently to him.

"Hey, Mike... It's okay... I'm still here... I'm not gonna be taken away so easily... I'm never gonna leave you behind again..."

Michael sunk down into a ball as he began to cry, unable to hold it back any longer, and Bumblebee pulled him in close, placing gentle kisses on his helm and rubbing his back as he whispered comforting words while Michael buried his helm into his boyfriend's chest.

Bumblebee knew how Michael had been hurting ever since the battle for the Omega Lock, and they had taken a lot of time in the hour they had returned to Cybertron to comfort each other and assure one another that the other was okay, especially Bumblebee to Michael, for he knew that this was something he had been scared of since the very beginning of their relationship.

After a while of comforting his sparkmate, Bumblebee looked down to see two beautiful dual-colored optics and a sad smile looking back at him, and he grinned.

Primus, Michael was so handsome and cute.

Pulling him into a kiss, Michael melted into it and kissed back as his plating heated up.

Breaking their kiss, the two looked down at Bumblebee's towel, which he was still wearing, and smirked.

There was one thing they could do to make their pain go away.


Michael felt himself be pulled from recharge, the senses of his sore aft and the presence of transfluid covering his frame making themselves known as he opened his optics, finding two beautiful blue ones looking at him as he woke up.

"Good morning sexy." Bumblebee said with a smirk, as Michael smiled, closing his optics and cuddling into Bumblebee's fluid-covered chassis as the scout held him close, pressing soft kisses to his helm and whispering sweet words into his audial.

As they fell back into recharge, Bumblebee quietly spoke up.

"Are you ready for our new life together, Mike?"

Michael hummed in contentment, smiling and sending an answer through their bond, to which Bumblebee cuddled into him and pulled him closer, smiling back.

As long as they had each other, they were ready for the next chapter in their lives.

They were ready for the future.


A/N: The final 'in-between' chapter of 'Transformers Prime: A New Beginning' is now finished. I am very pleased with how these extra chapters have turned out, and I thank you all for the support you have given them. But while this is the last in-between chapter of the book, this is not the last chapter in general, as there are three more chapters left until the end. What do you think Michael's answer will be to his questions? And what do you guys think of this chapter? Let me know in the comments!

Thank you all so much for 30K reads!

Next Chapter: In the wake of Cybertron's restoration, Optimus heads out to obtain the final piece of the puzzle to Cybertron's completion. In his absence, a mech who was thought to be dead, and a god thought to be sealed away forever rear their ugly helms to the inhabitance of Cybertron, forcing the remaining factions and individuals to unite together and stop them once and for all to save their home once again. Meanwhile, Michael changes history one last time to secure Cybertron's future.

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