Danny was about to reply when Benny quickly pushed him back again and stood in front of him, "of course he does! I trained him to be my second after all! I am a very good jefe. You should be able to tell. You've seen the size of my army. I keep all the newborns in check because I'm very good. So, he is very good because of me. Now Danny, go and get everyone to get far away from this home. It's been a while now since they've fed and we're about to release the humans to Miss Hart here. I don't want them to get any ideas. You know what? Send them north to the next town to feed."

Danny nodded as he retreated to complete his task.

"Wait." Serafina quickly said after thinking a moment. "You're taking your army north, why?"

"Miss Hart, I will claim my territory and I'm going to make my hometown part of that territory." He stated.

"Where's your hometown?" she asked.

"Well, it was just a part of Texas, Mexico. Think the Americans are starting to call it Dallas, Texas though." He stated.

"Yes, we do. Actually, if you're heading north toward Dallas, then you'll have to pass my city. I don't feel comfortable with that. I think you should go south." She calmly replied.

"I can assure you; we will not hurt your town." He smiled while dismissing what she said.

"I don't want to risk it. The cities are still very spread apart anyways. Why don't you claim a more heavily populated area for your territory? We're still expanding in Texas. But Mexico City is already flourishing I've seen. Why don't you go that way? The bigger the city, the more food for yourselves don't you think?" she argued.

Benny furrowed his brows obviously not liking how she was telling him what to do, but stopped to think. He remembered when he was growing up his town was fairly small. But he had been to Mexico City; it was one of the biggest cities he had ever seen. His mouth watered at the thought. It seemed he needed to hunt soon as well. "Haces un buen punto Miss Hart. I like that idea. You know, I've been at this for years. Just going back and forth destroying a coven or town here and there. Getting a feel for how to command the army. Learning the best way to keep order. Switching out the old for the new. The weak for the strong. This time I finally decided I was going to rule," he laughed, smile now wide, "This was going to be my final push to find a place to settle down. I was only heading home for old times' sake. Pero this is much better. Much more food down in Mexico. If I wanted more food north, I would probably have to go northeast. That'll take longer. No tengo tiempo para eso. Yes! Vamos south!"

Danny seemed hesitant. But calmly asked, "are you sure this time? We've changed directions a few times now."

"Since when do you question me?" he asked glancing at Serafina. She pretended not to notice.

"I'm sorry Benny. I wasn't questioning you. Just making sure. I'll make sure everyone understands and heads south to feed now so Ms. Hart can get her prisoners out." He hurriedly stated while slightly bowing his head and turning to complete his task.

As soon as he was gone Serafina turned to Benny with a mischievous grin, "what exactly are you jealous of Benny? Of how he waits on me or of how I allow him to?"

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