Chapter - 25

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At night at Wang Mansion

Yang Zi and Zhao Xuan were sitting on the couch of Yang Zi's room. They were discussing about what to do with the blackmailer.

Suddenly Xuan's phone rang and she saw that the blackmailer called her. She picked up the phone and put the call on speaker so that Yang Zi could hear the conversation.

"Hello... who is it?" Said Zhao Xuan.

"Hello, Ms. Zhao and Ms. Yang, did you two already forget about me." Said the blackmailer who was Wang Yibo.

"How do you know that I am with my mom?" Asked Yang Zi.

"Well... It's simple. I knew both of your secrets and blackmailed you two. So, it's normal for you guys to be together and try to solve the problem." Said Yibo.

"You are smart." Said Xuan.

"Of course. I am smart or else how could I blackmail someone like you." Said Yibo.

" are smart so I am sure you know what is the punishment of blackmailing." Said Yang Zi as she was trying to threatened the blackmailer who just laughed.

"Hahaha.... Ms. Yang are you threatening me with laws?" Said Yibo.

"Yes, if you don't delete the video and stop blackmailing me then we will file a complain against you." Said Xuan.

"Ms. Zhao, I thought you are smart but I was wrong. You yourself said that I am smart so how can you think that I will be afraid of police. Well, you can file a case against me I don't care about it. But the moment you file a case against me I will upload the videos on internet. Then don't blame me for anything." Said Yibo calmly.

"You can't do this." Shouted Yang Zi.

"I can do many things, Ms. Yang. If I upload your video then your reputation will be ruined. Everyone will make fun of you. No one will want to marry you." Said Yibo.

"" Xuan didn't know what to say.

"Ah Ms. Zhao... don't be angry and listen to me carefully. If I upload your video on internet then you will totally ruin. Your reputation will be ruined. Mr. Wang will divorce you to save his reputation. Well, who wants a cheater as his wife, right? If he divorce you, you won't get any of his properties because you cheated on him. Even your daughter Ms. Yang won't get any property from Mr. Wang as she isn't Mr m Wang's biological or adopted daughter. So think carefully before doing anything stupid." Said Yibo with a smrik.

"You are very cruel." Said Xuan.

"Not as cruel as you. By the way, I called you to know that did you arrange the money?" Asked Yibo.

"No...not yet." Said Yang Zi.

"Then arrange 20 million youn quickly. Your time will end tomorrow night." Said Yibo.

"Why 20 million? Wasn't it 10 million yesterday?" Asked Xuan.

"Your 10 million plus your daughter's 10 million equals to 20 million. Now do you get it." Said Yibo.

"We don't have 20 million. We can't give Xiao Zhan that much money." Said Xuan.

"Then I will upload the videos tomorrow night." Said Yibo.

"No... don't do this. We will arrange the money soon." Said Yang Zi.

"Okay...arrange the money for tomorrow and invite Xiao Zhan and his family. Give the money to Zhan and apology to him and his family. If he doesn't want to take the money, insists him to take the money. If Zhan doesn't take the money then I am going to upload the videos on internet." Threatened Yibo.

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