Chapter - 03

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One day

Zhao Xuan and Yang Zi was getting ready to go to kitty party with Xuan's friends. Wang Ren already left for work and Wang Yibo was studying in the library of Wang Mansion. Today Yibo didn't went to school as it was weekend.

"Mom, Aunt Mei has a beautiful diamond necklace which will match your dress. But that brat would never let you to wear it." Said Yang Zi calling Yibo brat.

"But that brat can't do anything if I want to wear it." Said Zhao Xuan.

"But Dad will never let you wear it." Said Yang Zi.

"Wang Ren already left for work. Let's go and see what treasure has in that room." Said Xuan and went to Yibo's mother's room where Yibo stayed.

"Wow, Yibo isn't here." Said Yang Zi as they entered the room.

"It's good. Let's me look for the necklace." Said Xuan.

Then Xuan entered inside the walk-in closet and was memorized. It was more big than Xuan's walk-in closet.

"Mom, see..... Yibo had branded clothes and watches but I don't have. Dad is unfair." Said Yang Zi while showing Yibo's watch collection which were gifted by his grandparents.

"He is truly unfair. He bought Mei this beautiful diamond ring in their wedding but when I got married to him, he just bought me a simple diamond ring." Said Xuan and was about to take the ring but couldn't. Because Yibo came and took the ring before Xuan could even touch the ring.

"What are you doing in my mom's closet? Why are you touching our things?" Yibo yelled while glaring at Xuan and Yang Zi.

"You dare to yell at me." Xuan shouted and tried to slap Yibo who dodged it.

"Don't touch me or I will tell dad everything." Said Yibo and Xuan started laughing.

" you think your dad will protect you? He doesn't want you. He loves me and gave me everything which was your mom." Said Xuan.

" are lying. Dad doesn't love you. Aunt Lan said, dad doesn't love you. Dad loves mom and me. Dad wants me. He will protect me." Said Yibo.

Xuan was very angry but controlled her anger and chuckled darkly.

"You believed that servent's words huh? I thought you are smart but you are a fool." Said Xuan.

"I am not fool. I am very smart. If dad loves you then why doesn't he sleep in your room. Why does dad come to this room to sleep with me? If my dad won't protect me and didn't want me then why are you scared of dad? I knew dad will punish you if I tell him what you and your daughter did with me in his absence." Said Yibo while smirking. He was fool to believe his step mother's words but Mrs. Lan made him understand that Xuan was lying to him and his father loved him and his mother very much.

Xuan was very angry. Her blood was boiling. She just wanted to kill someone. She tried to catch Yibo but Yibo ran out of the closet. Xuan and Yang Zi ran behind him.

Yibo ran to the room and threw a flower vase towards Xuan who dodged it but it hit Yang Zi's hand and she got hurt.

Xuan was now in rage she ran and caught Yibo who bit his hand and ran out of the room. But unfortunately Ms. Lingjiao who was Xuan's trusted servent caught Yibo by his collar.

"Now you can't go anywhere, young master Wang Yibo." Said Lingjiao and called Yibo as young master mockingly.

"Leave me." Yibo shouted while struggling.

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