Chapter - 12

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After 2 months

Two months passed quickly. Many things happened in those two months. Wang Yibo was busy with his examination while Xiao Zhan was busy with his messed up life.

Xiao Zhan's life changed after his father's operation. He had to go to dates with Yang Zi whenever she wants. If he refused Yang Zi started throw tantrums. He had to deal with his father who was very upset with him and stopped talking with him. But after sometime, his father started to talking with him and apologized many times for agreeing to a forced marriage.

Zhan couldn't talk much with Yibo. He didn't even tell Yibo about his marriage. He didn't know why he couldn't bring himself to tell Yibo about his marriage. But he decided to tell Yibo after Yibo's examination.

Zhan and Yang Zi's relationship didn't improve much. They never kissed each other. Sometimes they hugged and hold hands. But Zhan never intimate any of those things. Whenever Yang Zi wanted to kissed him, he made excuses saying they should take step slowly as he didn't want to rush things between them.

Yang Zi became irritated but didn't force Zhan. She knew that Zhan needed time and she was determined to make Zhan fall for her. So, she just kissed on Zhan's cheek after their every date.


In Xiao Mansion

It's a calm morning. The sun is not shinning brightly but it was making the environment cozy.

Inside the first room of the second floor of Xiao Mansion was sleeping a beautiful figure. It was none other than Xiao Zhan. He was in deep sleep because he slept late at night because of his work.

Suddenly Zhan's phone started to ring which disturbed Zhan's beauty sleep. Zhan frowned and started to roam his hand. Soon he found his phone on the bedside table and received the call without seeing who called him.

As soon as Zhan received the call he was greeted by a sweet voice which brought a slight smile on his face.

"Happy birthday to you.... happy birthday to you.... happy birthday dear Zhan ge.... happy birthday to you." Wang Yibo sang from the other side of the phone.

Yibo cut the call making Zhan confused but then he again video call Zhan who smiled brightly and received the call.

"Happy birthday Xiao Zhan. You became 24 today." Said Yibo cheerfully.

Well, today was Xiao Zhan's 24th birthday and Wang Yibo was the first one to wish him. It's made Zhan very happy.

"Thank you my Angel. You are the first to wish me." Said Zhan in his morning voice.

"I know it. I even message you last night at 12 a.m. but you didn't see it." Said Yibo and pouted.

"I was working and didn't notice it. Don't be sad okay." Said Zhan.

"Okay but you have to spend your birthday with me. We will celebrate it together." Said Yibo.

Zhan was about to agree but he remembered that Yang Zi demanded to spend his birthday with her. So Zhan sighed and forced a smile.

"Sorry angel, I have a very important meeting to attend to today." Zhan lied which made Yibo sad.

"Is your boss giving you extra work?" Asked Yibo.

"No, Yibo. My boss is very good. It's just we have to finish some project." Said Zhan.

"You are saying this regularly. Why am I feeling you are avoiding me? Do you get tired of me?" Said Yibo in a low voice while bitting his lower lip. He lowed his eyes while trying his best not to cry.

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