Chapter - 11

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Two weeks later

Many things happened in past two weeks. Wang Yibo's exam started and he couldn't talk to Xiao Zhan properly. He was busy with his exam because it's his last year and he was going to graduate.

On the other hand, Xiao Zhan was busy with his works while finding ways to earn more. He invested most of his savings in share market. He didn't have time for rest. Sometimes in his free time, he talked to Wang Yibo but didn't talk long because of Yibo's exam. He didn't want Yibo to distract from his studies.

Xiao Zhan and Yang Zi's relationship went back like before. Yang Zi behaved normally with him and told him to forget about her confession. Zhan did as he was told. He also didn't want to remember it.

In Xiao Mansion

Xiao Zhan entered the mansion late at night because he went to a club with his colleagues celebrating their success. They had dinner and got drunk. Zhan didn't drink because of his low alcohol tolerance besides he had to drive. So, he was late tonight.

Zhan locked the door and about to went upstairs to his room but stopped when he heard a breaking sound. He walked to the kitchen to see if anyone was there or not. But he found no one. Then Zhan heard his mother's voice calling his father. He immediately went to his parents' room.

Zhan entered his parents' room and found his father was groaning in pain while clutching his heart while his mother was trying to ask what was the problem.

"Zhan, you are here. See, your dad is in pain." Said Xiao Xin when he noticed Zhan.

Zhan went to his dad and checked his pluses.

"I think we need to take dad to the hospital." Said Zhan.

"Zhan, start the car. I and Yang gege will bring dad." Said Xiao Lei.

The whole Xiao family was present there expect the children.

Zhan nodded and went out to bring the car while Xiao Lei and Yang Yang carried Xiao Ming to the car and they headed to the hospital.

"Xiao Lusi, stay at home and take care of everything." Said Li Qin and Lusi nodded.

"Cheng Xiao, go to your room and sleep. Tomorrow, you have exam." Said Li Qin again.

"But jiejie, dad...." Cheng Xiao was about to protest but Li Qin cut her off.

"Don't worry about dad. I will inform you two when we get any news. Don't create trouble and concrete on your exam." Said Li Qin sternly and left the house with her mother on her car.

Cheng Xiao sighed and went back to her room. She couldn't sleep so she decided to study.

Lusi went to the children's room where her son and Li Qin's son were sleeping. She sat on the bed while paying for her father-in-law's well-being.

In the hospital

It had been three hours doctors were working on Mr. Xiao Ming while others were waiting outside. Then Doctor Wen came and told them about Mr. Xiao's condition.

"It's serious. We have to heart transplant. We notified the authority, they will look for a donar. In the main time arrange the money." Said Dr. Wen.

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