Chapter 32: Saving Your Crush

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Once we heard the double beep from the devices, Dylan yelled "C'mon, we gotta go help Steve," before rushing to the nearby factory door.

"Wait! You might trip a-" I tried to say, but was cut off by Dylan tripping an alarm.

Immediately, a swarm of robots started pouring from outside, so to defend us dozens of Issac's robot arms came out of his body to block the incoming bullets and plasma shots.

When we got to the massive metal factory door, Dylan and Isabelle tried forcing the door open, but to no prevail. Seeing this, I said "Let me," before grabbing both sides of the door and easily pushing them to the side, allowing us to enter the factory.

We then saw Steve being strangled by Alexander, so Issac sent his robot arms to attack Alexander in anger. As Dylan rushed to his son, me, Rose, and Isabelle held our ground at the entrance to the factory, with Isabelle crouching down and grabbing her sniper rifle, Ross setting up turrets, and me activating my electric gauntlets to punch robots.

First, I started punching robots who were approaching Rose, to give her time to set up her turrets. As I did this, Dylan asked Steve "Are you alright," as he tried helping him up.

"Y-yeah," Steve responded in a raspy voice.

"Dylan hurried us too much and we tripped an alarm," Isabelle said.

"We couldn't just let Steve die," I yelled.

As Isabelle dodged a robot, grabbed her knife, and stabbed a robot in the temple, she said "We disobeyed orders!"

"Well, he wasn't the first one to do that this mission," Steve said.

"Huh," Isabelle and Dylan huh-ed.

After a moment, Steve explained "We need to destroy this power plant at all costs."

"But-" Isabelle tried to say, but Steve cut her off, saying "Robert's building an army, one that nobody will be able to win against."

Building? But... father already has more than enough robots to take over the world three times over, I thought.

Once Rose finished setting up her turrets at the entrance and turned around to help the others, I started punching robots coming after Isabelle.

Now, normally, not even somebody as strong as Luke with equipment like his suit would be able to simply punch these robots until they're defeated. But... for people like me, I was just strong enough that, when combining my punches with electricity, I could easily destroy the robots.

"You don't need to help me, you know," Isabelle said as she fired a bullet that chained to dozens of robots.

"I know, but I'm doing it anyway," I replied as I crushed a robot's head between my hands. "Call it a sign of respect."

"Respect, maybe," Isabelle replied as she took the pin from a grenade and threw it in the middle of the large crowd of robots.

"Or maybe you're just trying to get on my good side so I won't kill you."

As I hit my fists together causing a leather blue electricity field that siphoned the energy from robots, I said "Respectfully, even if I wanted you to kill me, you couldn't. And no, I'm not also doing this to manipulate you. I'm just doing this because you, despite not seeing it, are friends with Steve."

"Friend," Isabelle scoffed. "More like acquaintance."

I looked over at the others, saw none of them were looking in my direction, and then materialized two magic energy swords and flung them into the incoming robot swarm.

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