Chapter 12: The First Of Many Tragedies

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As the tank slowly made its way through the forest, I could start to hear the sounds of gunfire and explosions getting louder and louder. After a certain point, I started to get worried for Rowan.

"What if Robert's soldiers find him?! What if he tries to come help?! What if-"

Issac chuckled from inside the tank, then said "Don't worry, I'm sure he'll be okay. I mean, from from what I've heard about him, he's almost as smart as you. So he'd know how to keep himself safe."


"Thanks," I responded.

"Hey, what are friends for?"

The tank stopped, followed by rapid gunfire against the tank's armor. After a moment, I could feel the tank shooting back. Soon after, Dylan put his index and middle finger against a comms earpiece in his left ear.

"Do the others know about the tank you stole," I asked Dylan.

"Yeah, don't worry."

"Then who's shooting the tank?"

"We... may or may not have caused a pretty big ruckus when we stole it."

I chuckled, then quipped saying "Lemme guess, it was Issac's fault?"

"Hey, I heard that," Issac yelled.

"Yeah, it was. I'll have to give him a stern talking to after this is over."


"Hey, Issac, it's Haley and James. They want to talk to Steve."

Issac took a minute to respond, but when he did he said "We'll try to push through the battlefield with the tank, and hope that it doesn't get blown up on the way."

"Eh, it'll be fine," I said optimistically.

From the cockpit, Issac said "Look, Steve, you may be a genius, but you don't understand war. It's not just about whether or not you survive, but also if you can survive what comes after. And news flash, you can't. The moment you go into war, you lose a part of yourself."

"Huh. Never realized that."

"Most people don't."


From the distance, I could hear mortar fire, and I saw it was coming straight for the tank.

"Crap. Issac! You need to get out, now," I yelled.

Some of Robert's soldiers decided to take this opportunity to attack the tank as well, so they climbed up on the tank and tried to keep any of us from escaping the mortar fire.

A soldier attempted to grab me, but I rolled under his arms, grabbed the sword which I had laid down on the tank, then tried to activate the sword.

Dylan noticed what I was doing, and I knew he wanted to keep me from using it, but he was too busy fending off the enemies.

"What's going on?!" Issac yelled. In response, Dylan yelled "Steve's trying to use the sword!"

Simultaneously, Issac and the soldiers who had gotten onto the tank cursed under their breath.

"Steve! You can't use it yet! You don't have-" Issac started to say, but I interrupted him, saying "Don't... underestimate... me."

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