Chapter 42: Back At The Top... For Now

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I saw robot snipers taking position on the edges of the inside of the coliseum, and they all took aim at us. Seeing this, tendril-like lines of blood started to come out of Rob, going directly in the air while remaining connected to him, and once they were 10 feet away from him they started making a giant wall of blood that moved as he slid, protecting our unit from fire and allowing us vision of where we were sliding.

I pulled myself to the left to avoid a rock in the ground, then looked down at the coliseum and saw dozens of robots waiting for us. I announced to my team "Alright, Rob, when we get down there, you will direct the shield towards the troops on the ground, but leave a hole open in the shield so Isabelle can fire on them."

"Izzy," Isabelle corrected.


"You can call me Izzy now," she explained.

"Alright, so Izzy can fire on them," I restated, but not annoyed.

"Look, can you two flirt later? We have a job to do," Rob quipped in an annoyed tone. Rose giggled when she heard this, and me and Izzy rolled our eyes in unison.

"Okay, as I was saying... Rose, as we approach the Coliseum, you will set up turrets to defend against any robot reinforcements."

"Already ahead of you," she responded, and I looked behind her to see she had already placed five machine gun turrets  on the mountain while we were sliding.

I nodded, then said "And Rob, when I say 'close', I want you to open the shield enough for me to roll under it and attack the remaining robots, and then immediately close the shield again until I say 'open'." Rob nodded, showing he understood, and that everybody knew what they were going to do.

We hit the bottom of the mountain, putting us on the same level as the ground robots(who started firing on us as well), so Rob directed the shield towards them while keeping the snipers from attacking us. A small hole opened in the shield, and Isabelle started firing out of it with her sniper rifle.

I looked over at Rose, and saw she was placing turrets every few seconds by throwing small nanotechnology disks on the ground that transformed into either rocket turrets or machine gun turrets.

An idea hit me, so my helmet reformed itself, I activated the mine scanner in the helmet, showing 20 mines scattered throughout the battlefield. Seeing his, I yelled out "Stop moving," and my unit did what I said, and then I yelled out "Close!"

The bottom part of the shield moved up, allowing me to roll under the shield, and then the shield closed when I did so. I pulled two custom-made grenades from my belt, pulled their pins, and threw them diagonally in opposite directions.

I then shot both of them with electric darts from my gauntlets, watching as the blue electricity went into the grenades, enhancing their explosive power and range. I then yelled out "Open," watched the shield open back up, rolled back behind the shield, then watched as the shield closed again.

I quickly asked Rob "How strong are your blood shields," to which he responded "Strong enough to withstand a barrage of tank fire, why?"

Immediately after he asked this, each grenade exploded with a range of twenty times the range and power of a normal grenade, causing all the mines to detonate, which overall caused a massive explosion that could destroy even my armor of controlled right.

"Oh, that's why," Rob commented.

The plasma-fire halted for a second, before the front wall of the coliseum collapsed and the plasma-fire started again, this time even more intense than before, which meant there were more robots on the inside of the coliseum that were waiting for us.

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