Chapter 19: Another Knightmare

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As I collapsed to the floor, the walls started turning darker and darker, but not as if I was losing vision, but rather that darkness was taking over the room.

Eventually, all that was around me was a black void with the occasional white blob. It may sound like outer space, but in some way, it was different. The blobs were closer to flakes than stars.

The memories of this place started flooding back. I didn't know why I forget what happens in this realm after exiting it, but I believed the person who I thought lived here was somehow responsible.

I turned around and saw a small part of the darkness that was a different shade from the rest. It started to get larger, or rather, closer.

Eventually, it got close enough that anybody would be able to tell that the figure was humanoid. I also saw black tendrils retreating into the figure's back as it approached me.

"Hello again, Steve," the figure said in a voice that could potentially even scare me.

"Hello... Knightmare," I responded in a growl.

"What? Not happy to see me," Knightmare asked innocently.

Knightmare's form slowly got easier to see, revealing a grayish-black body that looked like a gas, but moved like a liquid, and was mostly hidden by a black cloak. His form was in some way a mix of all three states of matter, but there was no real way to describe his body in full detail.

Every now and then, I could see black lightning appearing and disappearing inside his chest.

"Why do you keep wiping my memories when I leave this place," I accused.

"You really think I have control over that?"

Knightmare sighed, then explained "This place, for you at least, is like a dream realm, but for your soul. You can picture everything in the dream vividly, but when you exit the realm, you soon forget everything."

"What do you mean 'for my soul'?"

"Oh, you don't need to know that yet."


"There's something you need to know. This... mission, to get revenge on Robert... is completely necessary for your future."

"Thank you! Everybody always says that 'it'll just lead to pain and suffering.' Well, I'm already suffering just knowing that that... BASTARD, is still breathing."

Just thinking about the man who killed my parents made me want to punch something.

"Exactly. But that's not the only reason why I said that. It'll lead to a lot of new choices to make, almost completely changing your life, and you as a person."

"Why are you telling me all this," I asked skeptically.

"Because. I'm the villain of this story," Knightmare informed with a sinister smile.

Light started returning to my surroundings, and I realized I was waking up. I looked at Knightmare who simply waved goodbye gleefully as I disappeared from his realm.

When I woke up, I saw a completely white room with a green curtain right next to me. I realized I was laying down, and soon figured out I was in a hospital bed with green covers.

What?... what happened?

I knew I was forgetting something, but I couldn't place what at the time.

I saw a nurse walk up to the door, which had a window at the top of said door, and she looked inside the room to see I was awake.

Her eyes widened, and then she ran away from the door, presumably to tell the doctor I was awake. This had happened so many times before that I was just used to it at this point.

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