Chapter 28: Did Somebody Order A Pizza?

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Dylan, Isabelle, and Rose sat in the front of the delivery truck, with Dylan driving and all three of them wearing disguises that changed their facial appearance.

There was a long silence, but eventually it was broken when Isabelle asked "Why do they have to have so many escort trucks for just one deliver truck? I can understand one or two, but ten?!"

Dylan responded explaining "Well, Robert has always been paranoid when it came to defenses, but honestly I can't blame him. I would be paranoid too if one of my most well defended bases got blown up by a couple of teenagers."

"Wait, seriously," Isabelle asked in a confused tone. "Teenagers?"

Dylan in response said "Yep. Steve and... another kid single handedly blew up one of Robert's bases back when they were about 13."

"Oh, right! Steve was telling me about that earlier," Rose said.

"Wait, was I the only one who didn't know about that," Isabelle asked.

In response, I said quietly "Yep!"

Isabelle grumbled, and Rose giggled.

"Well, to be fair, you've never really been the type of person who follows gossip," Rose said kindly. Isabelle in a defensive tone said "I know, but I feel like I would know about Steve blowing up an entire base at the very least."

"Well, he's never been one to talk about his past," Dylan explained. Rose nodded, signifying she knew(or thought she knew) what Dylan meant by that.

Silence returned to the group for a few more minutes, until Dylan saw the plant at the end of the horizon and said loudly "I see the plant! We're almost there!"

As they got closer, eventually Dylan started to see robots flying around the exterior of the building, or guarding the giant door that the supply trucks entered to drop off said supplies.

"Huh? Robots," Rose said confused, noticing the robots along with Dylan.

"That's weird. Wouldn't Steve have warned us when he saw them," Dylan asked.

"Maybe he didn't see them," Isabelle reasoned. Dylan shut that idea down by saying "No, he would've seen them, even if they're only on this side of the building." As Dylan tried to make sense of the mystery that had just appeared, the truck made it to a checkpoint with a blue energy field blocking trucks from entering the power plant, and they had to stop as a robot walked up to the truck to inspect it.

The robot looked at the people who were in the front seats, and asked "So, I see you all are new recruits?" Dylan answered with "Yeah. How'd you know?" The robot explained "The new recruits don't yet have access to the robotic enhancements yet. Security reasons, you understand."

"Robotic enhancements," Dylan restated.

"Oh. You're really new recruits. Well, basically at a certain point when you've been promoted, your consciousness gets switched into a robot body. It isn't required, but most of us tend to do it."

"How long has this been going on?"

"About a year or two," the guard said as he looked at the back of the truck.

"Mind if I take a look at your cargo?"


The guard walked to the back of the truck, and opened the door which held the supplies back. A blue light flashed in the guard's eyes, and then a quick look of realization appeared in his eyes. Playing it cool, the guard walked back to the truck and said "Looks like you're all clear." The guard then winked subtly to Dylan and yelled out to the guard in the checkpoint terminal "They're clear! You can let them go!"

Following this, the energy field disappeared, and the door for the plant started slowly opening as the guard trucks drove just off the road for in case other supply trucks came by. Dylan then proceeded to drive the truck up to the door, revealing only a giant garage with only one open spot for a truck to park.

Dylan proceeded to park there as the door started closing, and then a halfway cut off beep was heard from each of the unit's devices.

"What does that mean," Rose asked. Dylan answered with "Steve wants us to hold our position for a bit. Something must've come up."

"What do we do in the meantime?"

"We wait, and if anybody comes by and asks why the supplies haven't been loaded, we explain that we're recruits and didn't know whether to wait for somebody or to load the supplies ourselves."

They waited about 15 minutes, but eventually they all heard a double beep from the devices.

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