Chapter 53: When One Door Closes...

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1 month later

I slowly opened my eyes, my eyes instantly assaulted by the bright lights of a hospital room, and then I heard a familiar voice yell "He's waking up! Go get the doctor!"

"Dammit, not again," I said under my breath before I put my head up to see who spoke, and saw Issac and Dylan, the both of them standing next to my hospital bed and hesitant smiles spread across their faces.

I tried to get up, but Issac put his hand on my chest, pushing me down, and he said "Don't get up yet. Wait for the doctor."

I groaned, and put my head back on my pillow. "Hey, don't give me that, mister," Issac said.

I turned my head away from my foster parents, and started to cry. Seeing this, Dylan said "Hey, hey, it's alright."

"No, it's not. Rose, Isabelle... Rowan... they're gone."

"We know, we know. And we understand you're hurting. We understand what you're feeling," Issac said comfortingly.

"But you don't! You don't know what it's like to lose your entire family, then lose the one person you love more than anything... twice."


"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you," I said.

"It's alright... you're grieving. We can't blame you for that," Dylan said.

Something about them was... off, like they were holding something back from me. So, I asked them "What is it?"



"What aren't you telling me... something else happened," I said, seeing Issac was looking away from me and Dylan was struggling to say something.

"I... well... I'm sorry to say this, but it's two things," Issac said.

"Just tell me," I responded.


"Well, it's... well...," Dylan started to say, but failed. So, he took a deep breath in, a deep breath out, and then told me "Luke... he hasn't been seen since... that day. Nobody's seen him, and they have no idea where he might be."


"What else?"


Dylan was failing to muster up the strength to say the next bit of bad news, so Issac started saying "It's...," before the nurse swung the hospital room's door open, revealing her and the doctor. The nurse had white skin, red hair, and brown eyes, and the doctor had dark hair, black skin, and brown eyes.

The doctor slowly walked into the room, saw I was awake, and then said "You're awake. Good. So... like usual, before I can let you go, I have some routine questions I have to ask you. And... something I have to inform you of."

After several painstakingly long minutes of the doctor asking me questions I've already heard and answered many times before, he said "Alright, well... you seem to be fine. So, about that other thing I have to tell you."

"What," I said annoyed.

"When you were brought back to the base, your legs were missing, so we had to... replace them."

Hearing this, I realized I couldn't feel them, so I lifted the covers to see black, futuristic metal legs with blue stripes painted horizontally across them.

I sighed, but didn't say anything. There was half a minute of silence after my sigh, followed by the doctor saying "Alright, that seems to be everything. And I've been told you won't need help adjusting to the new legs, so, if you don't have any questions..."

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