Chapter 49: A Military Attacks A Child

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Before the guards could recover from the sudden explosion, I threw my sword into the throat of the guard on the right. Before the sword could completely go through the throat, I ran up to the guard, grabbed the sword with my left hand, and quickly pulled out a combat knife from my backpack as well.

I jumped slightly in the air whilst preventing my sword from going any farther through the guard's throat, turned away from the guards, and stabbed the guard's throat in the middle with the combat knife. I then quickly pulled my sword out of the right guard's throat, and sliced the left guard's head off.

I did all of this so fast, none of the guards' blood had even dropped to the ground before I finished. I landed back on the ground, the bodies of the guards dropping to the floor, and I pulled my knife out of the middle guard's throat, not looking behind me.

I put my knife back into my backpack, and started activating the sword in my possession before Hope commented Wow. Just... wow. It's scary to imagine how badass you're going to be when you're an adult.

I didn't say anything, instead I used the sword to teleport into the vault, and before I could say anything Rowan immediately started asking questions.

"W-what happened? D-did you d-destroy the r-reactor?" Rowan looked at the blood on my sword and the emotionless look on my face, and said "Oh. Did some guards start making fun of you, and you let it get to your head?"

I stood there in silence as I looked for the sword I gave Rowan, which he had put it in the corner of the room, to my right, and seemingly as far away from him as possible.

I grabbed that sword, looked at Rowan, and asked "Did you get enough supplies?"

"Y-yes. I got some seeds, ammo, and medicine."

I thought for a moment on the possible scenarios that could happen when we exited the base, and then said tonelessly "Good. We need to go," before teleporting the both of us on the other side of the vault's back wall, which was outside the base.

Before we could head back to the cliff side, a tank shell came right at us, so I quickly ducked down, pulling Rowan with me, waited half a second for the shell to get a good distance past us, then activated an energy shield with my swords, the red electricity quickly forming around the swords as I activated them. I looked in the direction of where the shell came from, and saw an entire army holding their position with their guns and tanks trained on us.

"Hold your fire!"

A commander in a green U.S. uniform with several medals came into sight from behind the tank that shot us, and yelled out to the army "Robert said that the sword's energy shields are nearly impossible to destroy with physical damage. But there is a way to weaken them."

Shit. Robert's been informing his troops on the swords... honestly didn't expect that from him, I thought.

Well, that's what happens when you steal the most powerful weapons known to man from the most ruthless tactician alive, Hope responded.

The commander seemed to be thinking for a moment, and Rowan hugged me while saying "I-I'm scared Steve. W-what d-do we d-do?"

"First, breath. And second, we wait for them to make the next move."

Rowan nodded in acknowledgment, and started doing the breathing exercise as I waited for the commander to make his move.

Eventually, after several minutes, the commander pulled out a completely blue disk from his belt, and activated it, revealing Robert's head. Robert looked at the commander, saw the commander gesture behind the hologram, and turned around to see me and Rowan.

Accidents Made Right 1: PistanthrophobiaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora