☽ Ruining Lacrosse Practice ☾

Start from the beginning

Tara sighed while looking out the window next to her side of the bed. She could see her reflection in the mirror, focusing on her eyes.

She sat up straighter when she saw the flash of yellow for a small second.


Tara messed with her hands as she paced the length of the abandoned room she was in. Derek knew she was there but he was just waiting for her to gain the courage to say what she wanted to. The bad thing about that was, she didn't know what she wanted to say. She just knew she had to start saying something to him.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a yell from above her. Issac was sprinting down the stairs and past her to a small train cart that she had been dreading having to enter. Tara didn't even think as she followed him.

"Derek! Derek!" Issac said stopping in front of the man with Tara next to him.

"Issac?" Tara asked concerned expression focused on him.

"I think my dad's dead." Issac said only slightly out of breath with a confused expression. Not one you would expect a mourning person to wear. But based on what Tara knew about Mr. Lahey, she wouldn't mourn him either.

Derek's eyes flashed red as he stepped out of the shadows into the light. "What did you do?"

"That's the thing." Issac said glancing over at Tara before looking back at the Alpha.

"It wasn't me."


"We are now at the doors. We only have like 5 more seconds for you to change your mind and go home." Tara said coming to a stop facing Vivian.

"I promise, I'm 100% ready" Vivian said looking over at the doors before back at Tara. "89% ready."

Tara turned to walk away while talking. "Great, we can earn that 11% back by resting."

"I'll be fine." Vivian said amused while grabbing Tara's arm. "It was just a fugue state. Or that was just the excuse they gave my mom."

Tara still looked unimpressed making Vivian launch into the same speech she gave her mom, just with added, 'I need to help you guys' instead of, 'my education is crucial'. While she tried to convince Tara, Sydney, Allison, and Mikayla walked towards them with Lydia.

"You really don't remember anything?" Allison asked as they walked closer and closer. Sydney already knew that she wouldn't, Stiles had come home and told Sydney everything he knew.

"They called it a fugue state, which is basically a way of saying, 'we have no idea why you can't remember running through the woods naked for two days' but personally. I don't care." Lydia explained to her friends and sister. Mikayla was still worried about what could have caused Lydia's little episode. So far nothing supernatural they'd seen, which worried her even more.

"I lost nine pounds." Lydia said when they finally reached the other two. Vivian just having finished her little speech.

"Nine?" Vivian asked gaining their attention. "I lost like 5."

"Maybe you found a nice pizza someone left on the ground?" Mikayla said with a smile making them all laugh slightly at the image.

"I suppose we have to walk inside now." Vivian said looking back at the doors with a deep sigh.

"Are you ready for it?" Allison asked concerned eyes looking at Lydia.

"Please." Lydia said tilting her head at Allison. "It's not like my aunts a serial killer."

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