Epilogue: Family.

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Epilogue: A family of love.

Dedicated to you guys!, thank you so much! C:

CHARLIE'S POV: (obviously ;3)

"Robin Riley Winchester get your ass down here immediately!". I yell from the kitchen, my voice carrying up the stairs.

I hear him grunt with distaste.

"Come on!". I yell, frustration coursing through me.

His feet slam against the steps.

I sigh and rub my hands together.

A few moments later, he enters the kitchen.

It always strikes me at how much he looks like his father.

He's sixteen and he's already 6ft.

"What?". He grumbles as he leans against the table. His dark hair pushed up into a quiff.

"You know fully well what's going on, you were caught smoking in school? What the hell is wrong with you?".

"it's not a big deal, mom. Werewolves are unaffected by the smoke". He shrugs like its no big deal.

"Oh well that's okay then. I swear, if I catch you smoking again, I will make sure you'll never be able to have pups of your own, got that clear?". I warn, my eyes staring into his.

He pales ever so slightly. He tries to shrug it off like its not a big deal. He's scared though.

"Oh and by the way you are SO grounded, dude. Like hand me your phone and and laptop grounded".

"Mom!". He whines like a week old pup.

I chuckle.

"You heard, now go and get them before your dad gets home- which you're telling him about the expulsion". I add.

He groans and turns and leaves.

I smile.

I'm a good parent.

"Mama, come play!".

I smile brighter as my youngest shouts for me. I exit the kitchen and enter the living room to find my pups there.

"I'm coming, baby". I say as I sit next to him.

I reach forward and pick up a green building block.

"Mama, can I go and play with my dolls upstairs?". I turn to my right. I smile at Faith, the only child who actually takes after me.

My second eldest.

Her golden brown hair is pushed back into a clean ponytail. Her green eyes bright as she smiles at me.

"Of course, baby, dinner will be ready soon though". I remind her.

She yips and jumps off the sofa, she runs over to me and kisses my cheek.

I chuckle.

"I love you, mama".

"I love you too". She races off upstairs.

I shake my head affectionately.

"She's crazy".

I look down at my baby boy and run my hand through his golden blonde hair.

"You're telling me, baby". I answer softly, he turns to face me, his hazel eyes meeting mine.

"Come build mama!". He squeals suddenly, he flashes me a gummy smile.

For a four year old, he's smart.

"okay, okay". I concede as I bring the building block  onto the mess  that my son is currently making.

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