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"Firstly, do you have any idea why he kidnapped me?".

Timmy hums for moment as he moves closer into Theo's embrace. He just released him.

Theo sighs as his mate nests closer, probably fastening the healing process.

It stings to watch them.

"He's probably after the Winchesters pack, so he's taken you to get at Hunter". He reveals with a sigh.

"Ugh, damn it". I groan as I run my hands through my hair. "We have to get out of here, we need to warn Hunter and I need to protect my son".

My worry is gnawing through my stomach.

What if he's hurt or taken? I cant have anything happen to my son- he'll always come first.

I pick my nail insistently, my teeth worrying my lower lip.

"Don't worry so much Charlie, it wont help". Theo breaks through my haze with a soft voice.

My eyes snap to his direction. He smiles warmly at me.

"I need to get out of here before I go crazy".

"We will, we just need a pla-".

"Ahh! Please stop!".

I gasp, we all look up at the ceiling at the sound of boy screaming in pain.

I cringe at the pain in the boys voice. My heart clenches.

Timmy makes a sad noise. I look at him, he's shaking his head with downcast eyes.

"What is it?". I demand.

"The young omega, he's giving birth. Can't you smell it?".

I shake my head, my eyes still on him.

"Are they Ares pups?". I spit his name.

He shakes his head.

"No, Alfred was already pregnant with Alpha Jack's pups before Ares took him as his own". He reveals in a whisper.

I glare, my teeth clenched.

"He stole a pregnant boy away from his mate?". I hiss.

Timmy nods and looks at the ground.

"What does he do to him?".

My stomach churns at the thought.

"I think you know". He mumbles.

I sigh, my stomach twisting into knots. "That bastard". My breathing becomes ragged.

"Ahh! Please stop hitting me!". His screams make my heart clench.

"No. I am not listening to this". I say as I run towards the metal door, my fists bang loudly on the door.

"Hey!! Open this door now you piece of shit! Ares! I'm talking to you, open this fucking door you pathetic bastard!!". I scream at the top of my lungs,my throat burns and my hands begin to ache.

That's when I hear footsteps and commotion behind me.I turn and see Timmy chaining Theo back up quickly.

I turn back just as the door opens and a mighty pissy Beta is standing in front of me with angry dark eyes.

"What did you call me, cunt?".

I roll my eyes at his pathetic display of 'Alpha ness'.

Ares, I suppose.

"Whatever. Listen to me, that boy needs medical attention, he's going to need a C section, you need to take him to the hospital". I beg.

He rolls his eyes with a heavy huff.

"Seriously, this is why you've called me down because of that slut"-

"Hey! You mind your tongue". I cut him off with a glare.

He stares at me with a bewildered look.

"You dare speak to me like that?". He hisses.

"When a nineteen year old boy is about to give birth and is terrified out of his mind? Yes". I reply truthfully as I stare into his eyes, I will not be intimidated by this asshole who abuses teenagers.

Just the thought has my blood boiling and hate coursing through me.

He chuckles as he rubs his scruff with his thumb.

"The bitch wont let anyone touch him". Is he casual reply.

How could he be so callous.

"Let me, i'll calm him down and you can sort out some sort of medical help. Don't let him suffer". I plead.

He looks at me in distaste.

"God,you really are a fag, aren't you". His voice is hateful.

"So are you". I bite back.

The slap has me seeing stars for a moment, my teeth clench violently together.

"Mind your filthy tongue lest I cut it out". He spits. I turn to him and smile even though my face is stinging like a bitch.

"Sorry, sir". I wink. He growls before grabbing me by my shirt and pulling me out into the cold hallway. He slams the door and locks it before dragging me up the stairs. My feet catch on the steps and my shins burn from being knocked into the steps.

"Keep up".

I grunt.

He pushes open the white door, the sun blinds my eyes. The smell of sweat and distressed Omega fill my nose.

That's when I'm thrown harshly onto the ground, my knees protest.

I blink and look around.


A whimper catches my attention, my eyes drop to my left and in the corner is the omega, a small beauty.

Golden blonde hair, slick against his sweaty forehead, pale skin and dazzling blue eyes. He's sitting on a dogs bed! Wearing a fucking collar, his hands are resting on his huge stomach, tears in his eyes as he stare s at me with fear.

My heart clenches at the sight.

"You put a collar on him!". I hiss at Ares.

He smirks.

"He's my pet. Now get to work, vet!"

He laughs before exiting.

"Guard this door". I hear him speak to someone outside.


Turning all my attention to the hurting boy, I make myself smile softly at him.

"Hi, my name is Charlie". I keep my voice light and warm. "I'm going to help you, okay? You're name is Alfred right?".

He stares at me with wide eyes.

He nods.

"nice to meet you. Wish we could have met under better circumstances but at least this will make a stand out meeting". I chuckle softly. He smiles ever so slightly.

I move ever so closer, he flinches.

"Oh no, sweetheart, I am not going to hurt you. I'm a prisoner too, and I'm a mother, I would never hurt you". I promise him, my eyes stinging.

He sniffs the air before his eyes well.

"You smell like my mama". He sobs, my resolve breaks and I'm over to him in a second, my arms wrapping around his shaking body, he places his face in-between my neck.

"Don't you worry, I'm going to get you and your pups out of here". I promise strongly as my eyes land on a huge butcher knife.

Even if I have to kill to do it.


Rejection From His Alpha. (ManxMan)Where stories live. Discover now