Save My Own Skin

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Warning: This chapter might upset viewers.


"I hear on the grapevine that you're trying to kill Hunter Winchester".

"Yes and?". I mutter, bored with this meeting already.

"I have a way to draw him out from the protection of his pack. I can get him to come right here".

My eyebrow arches, I look up at her.

"How?". I snarl.

She smiles sweetly.

"By kidnapping his son".

I smile at her.

"Good lord, the alpha has a son?".

She nods

"Ugly thing, it takes after his mother". She spits with utter disgust, her face scrunching into a mask of complete ugliness.

I feel my curiosity get the better of me.

"Whose the mother?".

She swallows before her face darkens.

"Charlie Jenkins". She hisses.

I gasp as realisation dawns on me.

He cant be...Charlie jenkins is Theo's Charlie?

This is too good.

I smirk.

"Thank you Rachel, you can leave now". I wave her off.

"it's Courtney!". She screeches.

I cringe at the sound.

"I don't fucking care, you squeaky twat bag. Now leave, before I set the dogs on you. They love chasing a rogue".

She frowns in confusion for a moment.

"I'm not a Rogue". She defends.

I chuckle nastily at the dumb bitch.

"Uh, you are now. You just did an act of treason against your alpha".

Worry washes off of her.

"But he wont know I had anything to do with this". Her voice breaks.

I rake over her slim body. Nothing attractive or special about her.

"He will when I tell him,I'll have to get him over here and yes, his son will be the great opportunity to do so,but I have to send a little message and I WILL inform him about how his own pack even turns against him". I reveal as I check my blunt nails. I hear her heart slamming against her chest.

"Oh god...well let me join your pack!". She pleads desperately.

Ugh. Such a disgusting trait in a woman.

I look up with her and I openly stare at her in distaste.

"Now why would I want a slutty rogue carrying a bastard child who would turn on her own alpha over hurt pride?". I calmly say.

Her eyes water, her hand goes to her stomach.

"But my child...". She breaks off.

Hmm, she actually looks like she cares.

Lets see.

"Okay". I start as I lean my elbows on the table and look up at her. "I have a condition, you can join my pack but will have to get rid of that mongrel inside of you, since I want no wolf associated with that bloodline".

She stares at me, her eyes wide as she thinks it over and checks my face to see if I am lying. Her eyes rake over my face before shd sighs heavily.

"Okay, I'll do it". She mumbles.

I smile brightly at the disgusting excuse of a mother.

"Great, make an appointment and get it done, you can stay in the barn tonight and tomorrow the basement".


A really short and horrifying chapter. I didn't like writing this! A life should never be talked about like this.

But I needed to show you guys how cruel this man is, that he'll do anything to please himself. And what other people will do for survival.

I'm so sorry if this chapter offends or hurts someone.

Rejection From His Alpha. (ManxMan)Where stories live. Discover now