Daisy purses her lips in thought, whilst Phoebe taps my arm. I turn to her.

"Which pink would you like today, Harry?" she asks, scattering different shades of pink polish onto the carpet.

I look over toward where Lottie is sliding off the sofa and scooting on her knees toward us to join in.

"'M not sure, Lotts, what shade do you think I should go for?" I ask.

She picks up a baby pink, handing it to Phoebe. "It'll really go well with her eye colour."

Phoebe nods once as if to confirm this information. She busies herself in removing the old polish from my nails, only a few splodges of colour left from where the rest has chipped away.

"What colour should I go for?" Lottie mumbles to herself.

I search through with my spare hand inside the bag, pulling out a red polish. "It matches your lipstick."

She smacks her lips together and grins, taking the polish and proceeds to paint her own nails.

"What colour did you go for, Lou?" I question.

He holds out his fingers. "I went for blue."

I hum in approval. "Matches your eyes."

He bats his long lashes my way and I giggle. I'm glad he's not afraid to get his nails painted. I remember Gemma's old boyfriend would pick up a fight over the whole ordeal of nail polish and makeup whenever she asked to do it for him. It's a reason why I was afraid to dab into that side of myself, because him and many guys at school, would make a massive argument over it about how it wasn't masculine.

Fuck masculine toxity I say.

Once our nails have dried, Daisy insists we do some drawing. She comes downstairs with her sketchbook and crayons, shoving some pencils our way and sits on her tummy, legs kicking in the air.

"Is Mum still in bed?" Louis asks Lottie.

Lottie nods. "She didn't come home from work until seven this morning, she must be shattered."

Phoebe whimpers and I scooch closer toward her.

"What's up?" I ask her.

She looks up at me with three of her crayons snapped in half. "They're all broken!"

Louis frowns. "What's happened?"

Daisy chucks the box of crayons at Louis. "They're broken. I think it's when Phoebe accidentally dropped them off the top bunk."

Phoebe gets up, tugs at Louis' hand. "Oh please, Louis, can we go to the shop and get some more?"

Louis' lips thin. "Up for a trip to Hobbycraft, Haz?"

I raise a shoulder. "Sure, why not."

The girls cheer and scramble to get their shoes.

"You wanting to come, Lottie?" Louis asks.

Lottie shoves her phone in her pocket. "Got nothing else to do."

Louis nods. "Right, let me write a note for Mum and leave it on the table. Harry, get the girls into the car." He tosses his keys at me and I'm quick to grab them.

I look down and realise I'm still in my skirt. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad I've figured myself out a bit more, but wearing skirts in public still gets me slightly scared.

Lottie must see the way I stare down at my skirt. "You look perfect, Harry."

I give her a weak smile. "I just don't want anyone to make fun of me," I tell her truthfully.

My Gay Roommate (L.S)Where stories live. Discover now