CHAPTER 19; sasha

Start from the beginning

"Nope. Did not like it." Max says shaking his head.

"At least you know." You say shrugging blowing on your chicken noodle soup.

"How's the hangover?" Max asks.

"I think you fucked it out of me," you say laughing. "Not bad."

"Good, ready for round 2 tonight?"

"Ugh, I totally forgot about the yacht tonight." You say groaning.

"We don't have to go." Max says shrugging.

"Yes we do. I'm not letting her win." You say eating the soup.

"Her?" Max says confused.

"Sasha, one of Jeremy's friends. As fake as they come, her money is her personality type thing, fame and status is all she cares about." You say sighing. "Let's just say, she said some things, I punched her. We don't get along. But she's going to be at their wedding so, need to be civilized."

"What did she say?" Max asks putting his empty plate down.

"She said I was a nobody that would never amount to anything." You say looking down at your soup no longer hungry. "So, I punched her, I wanted to kill her to prove a point but that would just make more of a mess." You say setting your plate down on the coffee table.

"Oh, if she only knew," Max says laughing shaking his head.

"I know," you say laughing slightly. Sensing your unease about it still, Max pulls you onto his lap and you find the strength in your legs to sit up and straddle him.

"Look at you, Arya Hunt, the heiress of the Hunt Empire and digital marketing specialist, straddling me Max Verstappen the ruthless killer and Formula One World Champion." He says tilting your chin up to meet his gaze. "You're not a nobody, you're the somebody everyone wants to be or be with. She's just jealous of you princess, don't let her bring you down."

A smile creeps on your lips and you cup Max's face with your hands leaning down to kiss him as his hands move from your thighs to your ass.

God, I've already cum four times this morning, but I can't get enough of him.

You grind your hips into his, your hands moving to his hair eliciting a moan from his lips. The soreness between your legs melting away as the heat returns. You can feel Max's erection growing under you as you grind against him, his hands digging into your ass pulling you closer against him. You kiss down his neck, leaving a small hickey just under his jaw marking him as yours. Your hands to the bottom of his shirt pulling it up and over his head. Finding the strength to stand up, you shakily pull down your underwear tossing it off the side.

"Ari," Max says his voice full of warning as you climb back onto his lap slipping your hand under his sweatpants to palming him over his boxers.

"Just shut up and let me fuck you," you say desire clouding your better judgment, but to your surprise Max doesn't protest he just leans back into the couch.

"Good boy," you say a smirk on your face, and you feel Max's cock twitch against your hand.

"Don't push it Hunt," Max growls. There is it, the limit to how much control Max will let you have.

You smile leaning down and kissing him while you tease your fingers in the waistband of his underwear before letting your hand go under stroking him. Spreading the pre-cum down his shaft as you run your hand up and down his length, eliciting sweet moans from Max as his breathing increases.

Fuck this is so hot, no wonder Max loves teasing me like this.

One of Max's hands moves from your ass back over your thigh and teases your wet folds. You moan at the sensation, throwing your head back as you one of his fingers enter you. You move your hips against his fingers, loving the pleasurable sensation it's giving you. Max takes the opportunity to kiss down your neck running his other hand up your back and over your breasts pinching your erect nipples, causing your walls to tighten around his finger.

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