CHAPTER 18; tequila & emotions

Start from the beginning

"Can you promise me one thing?" Max asks tilting your chin up to meet his gaze.


"Promise me you won't meet with Dimitri alone while I'm in Miami. I don't fully trust him, and I don't want to worry about you more than I already do."

"I promise I won't," you say and Max smiles leaning down kissing you gently. "But that means we need to go before you leave for Miami."

"How about Tuesday? We're having lunch with my mom and sister on Monday."

"You want me to meet your mom and sister?" You ask kind of surprised.

"Of course, we're getting married. You're going to be family, should get to know each other." Max says.

"You know you keep saying that, but I still don't see a ring on my finger." You say smirking looking at your left hand.

"The more you bug me about it princess, the longer I'm going to make you wait for it." Max whispers in your ear before heading off to the bedroom.

He's got a month before it's announced at the Monaco GP, he can't wait that long.

You follow him back into the bedroom and grab Max's shirt you slept in and a couple other things throwing them into your purse.

"Stealing my clothes now?" Max says smirking.

"Yes. I need something that smells like you if I have any chance in sleeping tonight. I've kind of gotten used to sleeping next to you."

"I'm excited for a night without your snoring." Max says chuckling and you throw one of the pillows from the bed at him. "I'm kidding Ari, take whatever you want."

You chuckle and grab one of his sweaters and a couple more t-shirts holding them in your arms since your bag is full. Max changes into a pair of jeans a T-shirt grabbing a sweater before the two of you head upstairs to your place. Once upstairs you change into a pair of PJ shorts, tank top and matching zip up-sweater putting on your fuzzy slippers. Throwing Max's clothes into one of the drawers in your dresser before returning back to the kitchen, pulling out a couple bottles of wine and setting them on the counter. There's a knock on the door and Max goes to get it.

"Hey guys," Max says opening the door as Cass and Daniel walk in.

"Hey Verstappens," Cass says walking in a bag over her shoulder and a bottle of wine in her hands. You just chuckle, "not yet Cass."

"Just give me this okay." Cass says setting the bottle of wine down on the counter.

"Alright fine. Dani, how have you been?"

"Good, excited to kick Max's ass in sim racing tonight." Daniel says laughing.

"You wish." Max says laughing.

There's another knock on the door and Max opens the door allowing Lando inside.

"Hey guys," Lando says stepping inside.

"Hey Lando," you say.

"How's the computer working?" Lando asks.

"Worked great! But I ugh, actually quit, so I just shipped it back to them." You say sighing.

"Oh, did you manage to take it apart okay?"

"God no, we just shoved it into a box and sent it off." You say laughing. "I wasn't about to try and figure it out."

"Oh, that poor computer." Lando says shaking his head laughing.

"Yeah, I'm actually starting a job for Charlotte after Miami, so I'll have a real office, set up and everything." You say leaning on the counter.

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