CHAPTER 15; 26 hours

Start from the beginning

"I didn't want you to put you in more danger than you're already in."

"Bullshit Ari."

"It's not. Hey, Daniel agreed with us about it." You say looking at Daniel.

"You know everything too?" She says looking at Daniel.

"I.. ugh..." Daniel says.

"Okay, that's enough. No more lies. From anyone. There are no secrets here, everyone understand?" Cass says motioning between the four of you.

"Yes, I'm sorry Cass." You say.

"Yes. Sorry." Max says.

"Of course, sorry baby." Daniel says hugging her.

"Well, then we've got a lot to catch you up on." You say taking another bite of your food. The four of you sit down and Max pours everyone a glass of wine, as you and Max tell them everything that's been happening. 

"Wow that's a lot." Cass says taking a big sip of her wine.

"Congratulations, I guess?" Daniel says.

"Thanks, I think." You say finishing off your meal. "I mean, nothing has changed yet."

"Not yet." Max says finishing up his dinner. "But the Monaco GP is only a month away."

"Yeah, you should really look into getting a social media manager Ari, that way you won't have to deal with everything." Cass says sighing.

"That's literally my job, why would I hire someone else to do my job." You say clearing the plates, topping up everyone's wine glass.

"You can think clearly about others, but I don't think you can think clearly when it comes to your socials. I'm just saying when fans start following you and commenting on all your pictures, telling them to 'fuck off' is not acceptable." Cass says.

"I agree with her. Besides you'll have enough on your plate planning the wedding, you don't need that added stress as well." Max says.

"I will consider it." You say sitting back down taking a sip of wine. "But only because I will be busy with planning the wedding and Charlotte's business page too."

"Look at you, move to Monaco to get away from one mafia family, only to end up being forced to marry into another." Daniel says laughing.

"Yeah, funny how life works isn't it." You say laughing. "So, you know what's going on with us now, what's going on with this?" You say motioning between Cass and Daniel who just look at each other shrugging.

"We haven't really put a label on it." Daniel says.

"Yeah, just taking things slow seeing where things go." Cass says.

"So, you're sleeping together, and spending all your free time together, but not dating?" Max asks confused.

"Right." Cass says.

"But you're not sleeping with anyone else?" You ask also a little confused.

"No." They both say.

"Sounds a lot like dating to me mate, but hey, whatever makes you happy." Max says taking a sip of his wine.

"So where are you two going to live once you're married?" Cass asks changing the subject.

"Monaco for sure." Max says.

"Not enough room for both of our stuff in this place," you say looking around, "so maybe my place? Or we find our own place."

"I'd be open to moving upstairs, as long as there's room for the simulator." Max says.

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