She raised her chin a bit and spoke up, "I'm not here to join and I'm not here for revenge. Before I tell you why I came, I just have to ask. What are you actually doing? I heard you had nearly a hundred vampires with you. But I thought it was difficult to maintain such a large group? How do you do it? Why are you doing it?" she asked, feigning interest.

"This is none of your business!" Danny growled out, stepping forward towards Serafina.

"¡Cálmate Danny! She's just curious." He scolded Danny. Then turned his attention back to Serafina, "but he's right. I don't need to tell you this." He smiled.

"True, I was just very impressed when I heard you managed to make all those vampires follow you. It must take a very powerful man to make them obey. I wanted to hear more," She said, leaning forward while pressing her breasts together a bit, drawing his eyes to her chest. Her seductive eyes staring up at him. She gave off the impression that she was in awe of his achievements. Playing to his vanity.

He couldn't look away. But his smile turned into a bit of a smirk. Believing that she was falling for his strength in leading his army, he straightened up and looked back into her eyes, "You know, not anyone can lead this large a group of newborns. But I have a way with words. It's been pretty easy for me to build my army. People can't help but want to follow me." He shrugged. His smile deepened as he continued, "With them, I will wipe out all covens who get in my way. All countries will fall to me. I will have the largest territory where I can do whatever I want and feed whenever I want. My army will get me there. You know, puedes quedarte conmigo as I become a god."

"Hmm, that is tempting." She said, nodding back at him, "but no thank you. I was just curious." She sat back, no longer allowing him a peek at her chest. Face blank. "But let's get back to why I'm here. I heard you had hostages. Some children and maybe their mothers if you haven't eaten them yet. I want the children. I'll let you keep the mothers." She paused for a moment in thought, "Actually, some children may be fairly young, and I don't want to take care of them. I want all of your leftover hostages." She smiled at him.

Benny's confusion was written on his face at her quick about-face. But his expression turned serious as he stared at Serafina with his furrowed brows. He immediately jumped up and slammed his hands on the desk, he held his strength in check so as not to break it. But raised his chin and sneered at her. "You're making demands of me? Me? ¿Quién te crees que eres?" he attempted to calm himself down, but his friendliness was gone as he stood looking down at her. "No, they will stay where they are. These hostages have loved ones outside this town who are working on bringing us more prisoners to feed from. If this is why you're here, then you should go." He looked over at Danny, giving him a nod.

Serafina never even flinched during his outburst. Always calm. Danny was more than ready to get Serafina out of the office. He quickly made his way over, clearly agitated. Before he could grab her shoulder, she stated, "do not touch me." As she stood up with her smile still on her face.

Danny looked to Benny for confirmation. Benny shrugged and nodded in acquiescence. But still looked at Serafina, "good, you should know your place. A lone woman in my town. I can make it so everyone here can have a go if they please. After myself, of course. Just join and it will be just you and me. I'll forget your silly little request. A clean slate. Ven." He held his hand out to her with a new smile.

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