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𝗝𝗮𝗻𝘂𝗮𝗿𝘆 𝟭𝟳, 𝟮𝟬𝟯𝟬

Hope laid next to Amelia as she kept coughing up more blood

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Hope laid next to Amelia as she kept coughing up more blood. Hope helped wipe the blood off her mouth before looking at her.

" it's time." Amelia said and Hope shock her head no." I can't lose you again not today." Hope said and slowly started crying.

" Hope it's going to be okay. You are surrounded by the people who love you very much. You'll find a way to get me back." Amelia told her."but what if I don't, I'm just losing you all over again.." Hope told her and Amelia smiled.

"Then at least I know that your father and your family will be here when I'm not." She said." speaking of your father there's something I have to tell him." She said, Hope looked at her to see her looking at the door. She turned around to see Klaus standing there.

" hey." Amelia said and he nods." if I go, I want you two to get along." She said and they slowly nodded." Here." Amelia said to klaus and grabbed his hand." Elijah told me about how you wanted to get to knew Hope, so here it is." She said before putting the two into a memory.


" hey Elijah where are you going." She asked turning to him." I'm going to look for Charlotte." Why." She asked and he looked at her.

" She's been missing since yesterday and with lamia out, it's not safe for anyone." He said." But why would she go after Charlotte, she's after hope." Amelia said." Don't know but I got to go." He said and he was gone out the door.

Amelia sighs before fixing her food as she sat the food on the table. She heard a grunt and turned around to see Hope who was now standing on her feet slowly walking up to Amelia trying not to fall.

Amelia's eyes widened as hope went up to her looking at her mumbling.

" mm ma." Hope said and Amelia started crying picking up hope." Ma ma ma ma ma." Hope said over and over again." Aww you just did you first word and first steps." Amelia said kissing her baby's head.

" We need a picture." Amelia said before heading upstairs to get a camera.

Flashback two

" it's okay , my name is Hope." Hope said and smiled." I haven't seen you around here before are you new." He asked looking at her.

" no but I'm hoping to convince my mother if I could come here. my mom is friends with the headmaster." Hope said and Henrik nodded." well, I hope she says yes, and we can be friends." He said and hope smiled before nodding.

" I hope so too." Hope said, she looked to the side to see a blond headed girl glaring at her." I better go, don't want to upset that girl over there." Hope said and Henrik look to see the girl before returning to hope.

" oh, don't worry about it, that's Lizzie Saltzman she's the daughter of the headmistress and headmaster of the school." He said." well, she looks mean." Hope said." she's really nice, when you get to know her." He said and hope nodded.

End of flashback

Klaus was now in tears when he saw those memories. It made him truly a failure, knowing he failed one of his kids, and because of it, their mother is dying.

If only he would have been there sooner, he could've protected Amelia from getting kidnapped in the first place. He would have grown up with both of them in his life.

" please protect each other, it brings me at peace, knowing you're doing just that." Amelia said and they slowly nods. Amelia smiled before coughing up more blood. Hope helped her as her mother started to desiccate. They watched as Amelia fully desiccated, and she was no longer moving.

Hope held her mother's hand while crying her heart out. Klaus rubbed her back, not knowing what to do. Hope allowed him to hold her, and she cried in his arms.


The two sat there with Amelia for the next hour when someone came into the room. They turned around and saw Rebekah standing there.

" there's something you guys need to know." she told them before walking away. They looked at each other as they got up, covering Amelia's body before going back into the room where everyone else was at.

When they got there, they saw everyone giving them sad look. They slowly stand at the table.

" what is it that you guys found?" Hope asked." we may have found a way to kill Apep." Diego told her and her eyes looked at them." you did." She asked and they nodded.

" it's a weapon to kill him, we found some background story to him, and there is a way to kill him." Maya told her and hope nodded." what is it?" She asked.

" that's the thing we know how to kill her but we don't know the ingredients on how to create the weapon." Davina said and she looked angry.

" what do you mean you found a weapon but you don't know how to actually kill him?" She asked as Davina looked at her.

" Hope, the only people who know how to kill him are dead he made sure of it." Marcel told her." so we're back at a dead end again. It's not fair that he gets to live and Breathe and my mother is dead." Hope said." I should have killed him when I had the chance.

" hope it's not your fault you had showed mercy, something that you definitely took from your mother side of the family." Elijah told her." and because of it, it didn't give me the results I needed to prevent things from happening." Hope said.

" it's worse that he's creating a weapon for you to." Kol blurred out and everyone glared at him as hope looked at him." what are you talking about? What weapon?" She asked.

" Hope, last year when you became a tribrid, a tree, grew at the exact same time. It's called the red oak tree, and it has the power to kill you." Klaus told her and her eyes widened." and when did you guys found out about this?" She asked." two days ago." He told her.

" then we need to find a way to kill him before he does it to me." Hope said before walking away.

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