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𝗦𝗲𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿 𝟭𝟱, 𝟮𝟬𝟭𝟵

Hope closes her eyes as she was practicing another spell, she had sneaked her mother's grimoire in her room to see some other spells

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Hope closes her eyes as she was practicing another spell, she had sneaked her mother's grimoire in her room to see some other spells. She saw a spell that interested her and studied it, though she barely knew much about the other language but her mom was teaching her.

"Phasmatos Upulcox." Hope said but nothing happened and she looked at the spell again." Phasmatos Upulcox." she said again but still nothing." Hope have you seen my gri-." but she was cut off when she was lifted in the air and her neck was snap." MOM." Hope yelled and ran to her, she couldn't tell if she was okay, because her mom was dead....well half dead." Mom are you okay." Hope asked but she didn't responded.

Hope looked at the book before realizing something, this spell can snap vampires neck. Hope heard  a noise outside and she ran to the window to see a group of men coming towards the house. Hope got scared and ran to the book to find another spell to protect them." Uhhh vis porta." She said watching the magic go all over the house. she went back towards the window to see one of the men tried to open the door but it burned their hand. Hope smiled, this would keep them away long enough for her mother to wake up and handle the situation.

But she spoke too soon when she saw them pull out a medallion sucking the magic out of the door. they bust through the door to see hope." There she is." One of the man said before going towards Hope.

" Ossox." Hope said Breaking one of the guys bones and he fell down to the ground, The others kept on heading towards her." Bulla." hope put a protection spell around her and Amelia. The mens tried to break the spell with that same medallion, they struggled a bit before dissolving her spell. Hope backed up and hugged her mom slowly crying.

" This is supposed to be the most powerful supernatural in the world some powerful witch she is, can't even protect her mother." The men said and they laughed they were about to take hope when-.

"Invisalign tenebris lapsus." Amelia said sending a huge shock towards the men and they screamed out before falling to the ground no longer breathing." MOMMY." Hope said running to her crying as Amelia hugged her close." I'm so sorry mama for casting a spell on you." Hope said through tears." it's okay baby, what matters now is that I'm back." Amelia said before looking at the bodies." we can't stay here, we need to leave." She said before looking at Hope." Pack the things you want and put them in the car." Amelia said, hope nodded before running to her room to pack.

when they got the stuff that they needed from the house everything that they could get before getting in to the car and driving out of the city but not before Amelia burnt the house to keep anyone from tracking them. Hope fell asleep in the backseat which gave Amelia time to call someone.

"Hello." somebody answered on the phone." hello Elijah." Amelia said and the phone paused." Amelia... is that really you." He asked." yeah it's really me." She said." What happened, you disappeared off the face of the planet, you didn't answer any of our calls." He said." I know and I'm sorry I just didn't want anyone tracking me." She said."so why are you calling, not that I'm not happy." He said." Elijah just a few hours ago some man showed up at my house and attacked us." Amelia said." What...are you and Hope okay." He asked." we're fine right now we're driving out of town." She said." From where." He said." from Washington." She said." So that's where you been, so where are you going now." He asked." i'm sorry Elijah but I can't tell you." She said.

" Amelia, me and the others can help you if you just tell us where you are." He said." I know I know but I can't risk it I almost lost my daughter today I'm not about to do that again." She said." i'll stay in touch." She said before hanging up." Mama." Amelia looked up in the mirror to see Hope looking at her tiredly." where are we going." She asked." somewhere safe." She said before going back to driving.


" we need to find Amelia now." Elijah said coming into the living room where everyone else was at." why, what's wrong." Charlotte asked." Amelia just called me, she said a group of guys showed up to their house and attacked them." He said." Oh my god, are they okay." Davina asked him as Diego took her hand." they're fine now, they managed to escape." He said and she sighs in relief." did she tell you where they were going next." Marcel asked and he nodded no." but it looks like we're going to Washington." Elijah said.

" well I'm coming with you they are my mom and my sister." Davina said." and I'll come with you." Diego said." it would be best if you stay here honey." She said and he looked at her." but I can help." He said." I know but I need you to stay here with some of us to try to find out where my mom is going next ok." She said and he nods." Thank you." She said.

I might as well go for back up." Stefan said." same." Charlotte said." I think you should stay here Charlotte." Elijah said." no Elijah we are not doing that, I'm your wife and hope is my niece now so I'm going." She said and he nods." then I guess it settles it, on who's going where." Katherine said." then we better start packing before those guys find Amelia first before we do." Davina said before going upstairs.

Hours later Amelia and Hope arrived at their next destinations, Nevada. Amelia looked at Hope who went back to sleep. Amelia parked at a hotel, she paid for the room for a few days before picking up Hope and taking her upstairs with their things.

" mom." Amelia turns to her." are those scary guys going to come after us again." Hope asked looking at her." probably but I am not gonna let them touch you okay." Amelia said and hope nods before falling asleep again. Amelia closed the door before going to bed.

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