He coos, but then slaps me on the arm. "That's for calling me tiny. And I know you didn't mean any harm from it. I took it the wrong way, I shouldn't have been a dick toward you, I should be the one that is sorry."

I shake my head. "You're too good for me."

He laughs outright. "God stop being such a sap. Don't kid yourself, Harry, you're the one that's too good for me. You're so pure, inside and out." He cards his hands through my curls and I melt into his touch, wrapping a leg over his small waist.

"You're my everything," I whisper.

He kisses me on the cheek then. "And you're mine."

There's a comfortable silence that hangs around us like a soft blanket.

But I break it when I say, "Lou... I- I think... I think I'm going to get a therapist," I mumble into his chest, looking up to him through my lashes.

He looks down at me, and even through the dim lighting in the room, I can see his eyes sparkle and shine like a bottle glinting in the sun. He cups either one of my cheeks and brings himself down to place a lingering kiss onto my forehead, nose, then lips.

"I'm so proud of you for deciding that, H," he says between the kisses.

I nod. I've noticed the way he's gotten better when he goes to therapy. His therapist helped him after the whole pool incident a few weeks ago, and seeing that he could bounce back from something so devastating in such a short amount of time after everything he's been through, has opened my eyes that maybe I can do the same.

Maybe my past won't haunt me as much anymore, maybe it'll still the voices in my head telling me I'm not good enough.

"You don't think I'm being silly, do you?" I question.

He shakes his head. "I think you're doing the right thing for yourself. And I'm happy that you're communicating with me as well, love, because I know how scared you can get opening up to me and people in general."

I nod into his chest. "Louis–" I hesitate, chewing my lip.

He pokes my nose. "Don't shut yourself up now, Harry, after I just told you that I was glad you don't shut yourself up anymore," he says with a smile.

I give him a week one in return, tracing lazy patterns into his bare arms. I can feel the goosebumps prickle from the contact.

I quiet the voices in my brain that scream for me not to ask him. But the other part of me needs this, needs to figure it out.

I take a deep breath in. "Would you call me by all the pronouns? Until I figure out which one I feel more comfortable with?"

He holds me tighter, leaning his cheek to the top of my head. "Of course I will, darling, anything for you."

I peck his shoulder. "Thanks, Lou."

"Always, H."

I yawn, nuzzling closer into him, being able to fall asleep more peacefully now that that is out the way.


There's a pounding at the door and I grunt, snuggling deeper into Louis' side.

"Harry Edward Styles so help me God if you're not out of that room in the next ten seconds, I am going to wring your neck with my bare hands!" Marie shouts out.

I groan louder for her to hear, pout forming on my face. I curl my arms under Louis more, holding him like you would your favourite teddy.

"Ten! Nine! Eight!" she begins.

My Gay Roommate (L.S)Where stories live. Discover now