The whistles and cat calls came from most men and some women. The calls from women did actually surprise her a bit. Until she noticed what was actually going on in the town. There were all out fights and brawls going on between men and women. Some fair one on one fights and some where several ganged up on a single person or couple. She could hear the bets being placed on the side. There was senseless destruction of property and things left by the townsfolk were just thrown about as if trash. It became more and more shocking the more she looked, there were also quite a few openly kissing, groping, and possibly going further from some rather unpleasant sounds she could hear from further away. Men and women, women and women, along with men and other men, even groups. Everyone present behaved as if they had no inhibitions. It was disturbing. She continued walking forward, ignoring all the chaos around her. But all while keeping her flames at the ready since she knew there was a possibility that some of these vampires may have abilities as well.

A young fit man not much taller than Serafina walked straight to her with purpose, red eyes never leaving hers with his brows furrowed. He had long brown hair tied back; his brows were pretty thick but neat, a slightly hooked nose, and his lips were thick but with what looked to be a permanent frown. He was dressed professionally in his dark slacks and white buttoned shirt. He was a very pretty man but serious; she could tell just from the way he held himself. "Who are you, and what do you want?" he asked with slight hostility.

"Are you Benny?" she calmly asked.

"Why are you looking for Benny?" he immediately became more defensive, eyes searching hers.

"So, you're not Benny. What are you? His guard dog?" she asked with a small grin on her face.

He began to get angry. He grit his teeth and clenched his fists, but his anger was still making him tremble slightly, with a particularly large vein popping in his forehead. "I wouldn't make me angry if I were you. I'm second in command for a reason. I won't tolerate anyone who chooses to attack Benny so tell me now if you're here for trouble. I'll end you quickly."

Serafina felt some slight déjà vu and a small sense of kinship with this little ball of anger. She could see some of the other vampires come over to get a better look calling the others to watch the upcoming fight. She heard little bits here and there about how Danny was going to destroy another one.

"I'm not here for trouble. I just want to speak with Benny. Calm down Danny boy." She cooed, intentionally pushing his buttons just to see what would happen.

Danny became more enraged and slowly, his muscles began to expand, he physically became larger right in front of her eyes. Serafina was amazed, her surprise only showing in her rounded eyes as she tried to keep her expression in check. She didn't want them to mistake her surprise with fear. The cheers and jeers became more pronounced from the crowd they had drawn. Serafina didn't want to show her abilities if she didn't have to, but she would never back down. Just before Danny raised his hand to Serafina, there was a hand calmly gripping his shoulder. Danny immediately stopped and deflated back to his normal size. While he looked back to the man who just arrived.

"Oye, ¿qué están haciendo?" A tall, large man with broad shoulders came up. He looked to be in his late twenties or early thirties with short black hair, large mustache, square jaw, and a friendly smile on his face. He gave off a very masculine energy with his well-tailored slacks, button-up, vest, boots, and sombrero. Even the way he carried himself showed his self-confidence to the extreme. An obvious leader, making her think she finally found this Benny. "Danny, ¿qué estás haciendo? ¿Es esta alguna forma de tratar a una hermosa jovencita?" he asked, eyes traveling over Serafina, lingering slightly on her face and chest, making her anger begin to bubble, which caused Danny to turn his head to her with a glare.

"But Benny-" he started but was immediately cut off by Benny with a simple disapproving look, smile gone.

He turned back to Serafina, "please forgive him; he's like my little brother. I saved his life when I turned him into one of us and he's been overprotective ever since." He said, smile coming back to his face, "but where are my manners? My name is Benito Hernandez. Everyone calls me Benny. I think you were looking for me. How can I help a beautiful young woman such as yourself? Please, come to my office. We can speak more freely there Miss?" He gestured for her to walk with him.

"Miss Hart, and thank you," she gave a fake smile and walked with him in the direction of the town hall. Danny walking behind with his jaw clenched. Serafina could feel him glaring into her back as they walked. Which brought her a small amount of pleasure, she couldn't lie. But she hid it well. She had to be professional after all. She was here for business.

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