"Her father's wife??"

"Yes her! i don't trust her and even the father too! he is that woman's puppet afterall. Sai yanda tayi dashi ."

"We shouldn't jump into conclusion Halima, in this case, everyone is a suspect." Sultana said.

"You're right but not everyone your highness, they're people who we're certain they have no hands in this."

Sultana chuckled and straightenedher dress before returning her full attention to aunt Halima.
"People are not to be trusted Halima, me being in a royal house since birth can justify what i just said. As i said, everyone is a suspect in this case, even me and you Halima."


Her loud ear piercing scream hit his ears immediately he entered the room making him for a minute to shut his ears close, with each scream she makes shattering his heart to bit like a broken piece of glass.

What was happening?what were they doing to her?. His stare landed on the bathroom door where the screams were coming from and in a minute he was in front of the door. It took another loud piercing scream for him to burst into the bathroom where he met the nurses battling to give her a shower.

"Let me please." He said to one of them.

"No Sir, if you wouldn't mind please leave." She gently said.

"Why? she's my wife!and i have every right to do this." He retorted annoyed.

"And why are you giving her another bath?my mom did bath her in the morning." He added.

"She puked all over her body Sir."

"Then please let me, i will handle this, i promise." He gently said and they all nodded and exited the bathroom.

Ariana stopped her wails and heaved a sigh of relief when they left. He smiled and moved closer to her kissing her forehead.

"Hello my haven...let's clean up okay?" He smiled to which she stared at him as usual. He started with washing her hair to which at first she threw tantrums but eventually relaxed and enjoyed his gentle massage. He then proceeded with washing off her body then wrapped a big fluffy towel around her after he was done and scooped her in his arms.

The nurses kept a fresh new hospital gown and undergarments for her. So immediately he scrubbed the lotion on her body, he clothed her with the gown.

"Now let's dry your hair. I promise i will comb it gently my haven." He smiled and brought out the hand dryer one of the nurses suggested he buy for Ariana's hair routine.

She pouted and turned her head sideways indicating a no.
"Please my love." He stated and plugged the hand dryer on.

"Do you know Adyan and Ayra cries everyday for you..they really misses their Mummy but i promise to come back here with them when i fly to Nigeria again....." with the stories he was telling her..she didn't know when but she only saw him dropping the hand dryer which meant he was done.

He knew she didn't understood any of his stories, he did that just so he could draw away her attention from throwing tantrums while he dry her hair.

"Now all done." He smiled perching a cap on her head.

"Now, get some sleep my haven. You will feel much better after waking up." He said trying to lay her down but she refused.

"Why haven?you don't want to sleep anymore?" She just stared to which he sighed.

He sat beside her on the bed and laid her head on his chest patting it slowly. He whispered ayatul-qursiy on her and pressed a gentle kiss on her forehead.
"Have some sleep my love."
It was a matter of time till Aryan also joined her and they slept peacefully and beautifully.

An hour later, the oldies came back and met with the sight of the two lovely couple sleeping which brought smiles to their faces. They left the room giving the couple privacy.

Ariana's health kept improving by the weeks and a renowned islamic sheikh was visiting today to perform Ruqya on her. He is said to be an expert in his work and jinns fear him.

When the nurses accompanied him to the room, he asked one person to stay with Ariana while the rest left the room after exchanging pleasantries and briefing him about her case.

Sultana stayed with her even after Aryan's nagging about wanting to stay with his wife. She knew he might be emotional and might not be able to bear seeing his wife in a terrible state.

The sheikh asked Sultana to feed Ariana some dates and Zam Zam water before they proceed. He then placed his hand on her head and started reciting some verse of the Holy Qur'an. Ariana's cries and screams filled the whole ward where people of her similar condition were kept.

It took everything in Aryan for him not to burst into the room.

The Jinns sent to her were indeed evil and strongheaded because it took almost an hour before they revealed who sent them. The sheikh made sure they leave Ariana's body with the promise of never coming back and harming her or anybody.

Ariana immediately fell into a deep slumber which the sheikh assured it was normal and might even take a day sleeping.

However, the shock of who sent the Jinns to Ariana made Sultana numb that even after countless times of Aryan and Aunt Halima asking ... she didn't brought herself to tell them.

She wasn't surprised. Infact she knew it was an insider. But then, why was she shocked?
Was it because she never expected the person of doing such an awful thing?.
Turns out the ones she expected weren't the ones rather a whole different person.

What a world filled with wonders!

Hello wonderful people 💕. I know it's been like ages since i updated and i'm sorry 'bout that. Got all busy with my life and all.
So Cliffhanger huh?😉. Guess who??just guess! i will be in the comment section to laugh my fill. I definitely know you all are already attacking my Aida🤭.
70 comments and you get an update on Tuesday.

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