1. Mexico

404 13 10

TW: self doubt, triggering emotions / situations, etc

—- Wilbur's pov—-

I was so excited to land in Mexico. But I was nervous as well, none of my friends knew I was trans. Not even anyone in the UK, or others that I'd actually met before. To them I'd always been a guy, how where they supposed to know any different. How where they supposed to know that I was actually... doesn't matter.

When I landed, I felt so tired, it had been a long trip and I'd not slept the night before. It was so warm, and it made me feel even sleepier. I walked inside the airport with the other passengers and grabbed my documents, ready for security. I passed through quite quickly and after only a few minutes I was waiting to collect my suitcase. It was a fairly small case, it was silver with stickers my friends had stuck on, the majority done by Tommy. Because I went through security so quickly, I had to wait a while for the bags to arrive. I had got my rucksack with me already, but it didn't have many things in it that I actually needed, just some tech and a few other things. The majority of my things were in the case, so clothes, hygiene items, etc. 

While I was waiting, I decided to look out the window. The sun was settings and there were some ornate palm trees outside the window. It reminded me of some of the trips I've been on with Tommy and Phil. It was around ten minutes after that the bags finally arrived. I grabbed my case and looked away as I saw a young girl looking at the stickers on my case laughing. I felt so weak and lonely without the others. 

Once I was out of the place you get your bags, I went into a disabled toilet. The trip was too long and I couldn't constantly wear my binder. And I wasn't sure which bathroom to use. After I changed into my binder I slipped out of the bathroom. I was now near the exit of the airport. Around me was some fast-food places. I was tempted to get some food, but I knew I was going to get food with Quackity.

I was nervous to meet Quackity. We'd never met before and I barely knew what we were going to do, or even the arrangements. All I knew was that I was supposed to be staying with Quackity. 

I stepped outside the airport. The sky was orange, and the sunset was blocked by trees. I looked around for Quackity but there was no one. I checked my phone and saw a message from Quackity.

srry, I'll be late. traffic's bad

I felt disappointed but also slightly relieved. I'd been worrying so much, at least now I had a bit more time to myself. I decided to go take my binder off as I knew that I'd have it on for ages otherwise. I decided to get changed into a skirt, fishnets, and a corset belt. I didn't change my sweater though. I could change back when Quackity arrived. I decided to sit on bench outside the airport and read. I put on my glasses and realised that I had my beanie on. I was reading for a while, and I was paying so much attention that I didn't even notice my phone buzz. 

"Will?" Said a confused familiar voice. 

I looked up from my book and realised that Quackity was standing over me. 

"I- I-" I couldn't say anything, I just stared up at him. My face had gone white, and tears were starting to sting my eyes. I'd already revealed one of my biggest secrets by accident all because I wanted to read a book. I dropped my book.

I tried to get up, but I collapsed onto the floor. Quackity dropped down next to me to try and help me up. As soon as he grabbed my wrists I just froze. He looked me in the eyes, and I just looked down, trying not to cry. Why had I not paid attention? Why did I even go to the trouble to do all this when I could've just waited? Me just wanting to make life a bit easier for myself just made it worse. I pulled away from Quackity and I ran off. Why was I like this? Why?

I ran to a spot round the other side of the airport. I sat down on the floor next to some boxes which had electrical warning signs on. It was dark and deserted, no one was there. I stared down at my hands, watching them shake while my tears fell down onto them. I'd caught my left hand on something while I was running, and blood was now dripping down from it onto the floor. I needed to run away. To get out of there, maybe even to get to another country.  I just wanted to go home, back where there was no one who knew my secret. Why had I ever thought any of this was a good idea? I just wanted to be with Tommy and Phil, making fun of Jack again while running away from James. Or to be with the band, to burst in on James streaming with Ash. Anything.

"Wilbur!" Yelled a familiar voice. "Wilbur! Please, just come back."

I felt the sadness in Quackity's voice. 

"Please." Shouted Quackity.

Then he came round the corner. I got up to run away. I just collapsed again. I was too tired for this, I'd been so stupid. 

—- Quackity's pov—-

I got out of my car, wondering where Wilbur was. I checked my phone and realised he'd not seen my second message. I'd just have to find him then.

The car park hidden from the airport exit by a short concrete wall. I walked round to try and find an exit. It was a while before I found one. Apparently I managed to park in one of the worst possible places. I checked my phone and saw the Wilbur still hadn't seen my message. It had been a while since I'd sent it now. I was expecting him to be waiting near the airport exit or near the car park entrance. I couldn't see him at all. I waited around the airport exit a while, but he didn't go in or out. 

I saw a few empty benches and then I saw him. But was it? It didn't look like him. It looked like a girl. Or like a cosplayer or something. I was confused. Was it him?

When I got closer, I saw that it was him.

"Will?" I said, a bit confused.

He looked up from the book he was reading and stared at me. He tried to say something but just ended up stuttering. He looked so nervous and scared too. He dropped his book, the bookmark he was holding falling perfectly into place on the page he was on. He tried to get up but he collapsed. He was shaking. I couched down to help him and grabbed his wrists to help him stop shaking. It didn't help at all. He just froze, staring at me. 

It had been a few minutes since he had collapsed. He pulled away from me and ran away. I stayed there, on the ground, staring after him. 

I quickly gathered his stuff and went after him. I walked around, yelling. Although there wasn't much hope that he'd respond. I tried to follow the general direction he went, but I couldn't be sure which way he had gone after I'd lost sight of him. I continued down the way he was going but it soon obvious that I'd gone the wrong way. I retraced my steps and followed down the side of the building. 

I almost missed him. He was tucked into a small corner, near a power box. He quickly got up and tried to run away again. But before he even had the chance to run, he collapsed. It was then that I noticed he was bleeding. He'd passed out. I had to get him home. 

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