32. not again but yes again

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--- Wilbur's pov---

It was just a few days later. We were going over to America. It was going to be a long trip. Spending hours in a car isn't ideal. We were visiting our friends in order of who was closest. Everyone was grouping together anyway. We were going to Texas first. Then we were just zigzagging all over the country depending where our friends lived. The car ride was awful, and this was the shortest one.

—- Quackity's pov—-

It was awful driving all day. And when we finally arrived it was night even though we'd left in the morning. Wilbur was asleep when we arrived. We were now at Schlatt's house. Charlie Slimecicle and Ted Nivison were also staying with him.

"C'mon Princess." I said.

Wilbur moved to sit facing out but didn't get out.

"Fine, fine." I said. "Just let me get the bags first."

I went round to the back of the car and grabbed our bags. Schlatt opened the door. He came over to help me with the bags and then I went to help Wilbur. He was still struggling from his injuries and when he fell on stream the other day he hurt himself even more. I helped him to his feet and supported him. Even though I was helping him, he still struggled.

"So uhh- we don't quite have enough rooms so are you two okay with sharing a room?" Asked Schlatt.

"Yeah, it's fine. We're dating anyway." I said.

"Shut up." Said Wilbur blushing.

Schlatt pointed the room out to us and I walked along with Wilbur. I left him in there and then went and grabbed the bags. When I walked back in Wilbur was passed out on the bed. He woke up when I started unpacking our things. When I left the room Wilbur was getting changed. 

I walked over to the others who were all standing around a table, arguing by the looks of it. When I got closer, I heard it was just about takeaway.

"Hey." Said Charlie. "Where's Wilbur?"

"He's going to bed." I said. 

We all continued talking and then decided what to order for dinner. I went to check on Wilbur to see if he wanted anything. He was sorting out his bandages so that it wouldn't hurt when his clothes got caught on them. I went over to help him. He'd already gotten changed, and when we finished he pulled down his sleeves and sorted out his clothes.

"Is that my hoodie?" I asked.

He didn't answer and just laid down with his head on my lap. I twirled his hair around.

"We're getting food." I said. "Do you want anything?"

He shook his head.

"Any food at all?" I asked.

He stayed silent for a while but then shook his head.

"A drink?" I asked.

Once again he shook his head. I kissed him on the forehead before leaving.

"Does he want anything?" Asked Schlatt.

"Nope." I said.

We ordered dinner and then Schlatt and Ted went out to get it. We were watching a movie when someone knocked on the door. Charlie went up to get it.

"Hey, umm- we heard that your buddy's might be here." Said a voice, one which I recognised.

"Which ones?" Asked Charlie.

I got up and slowly walked over. I was shocked when I saw him.

"That guy over there and the uhh- other one." Said the person.

I grabbed my phone and started calling the police.

"Why exactly?" Asked Charlie, seeing that I was calling the police.

"Just wanna finish some old business." Said the person.

I got through and told the police everything. They told me they were on their way before I put the phone down. 

"Sorry this isn't a good time." Said Charlie trying to get him to go away. He slowly started closing the door.

"No, no. I think it is." Said the person, pushing the door pack open again.

He slammed Charlie into the wall before running over to me. He put his hands around my neck and started choking me. He lifted me up while pushing me against the wall. Charlie ran up and shoved him so that he let go of me. I slid down to the floor and was left gasping for air.

"Oh, now a random light on, that looks about right." Said the person.

I watched as he rammed open the door to mine and Wilbur's room. I heard shouting and yells of pain. The person came back out the room with Wilbur slung over his shoulder. 

"Let me go." Cried Wilbur.

He was shaking and sobbing. But then I heard sirens outside and I could see flashing lights.

"Oh, you bastards." Said the person.

He threw Wilbur to the ground and started beating him up. Charlie ran at him, but the person pushed him away. Finally the police ran into the house and tackled him. I sat, slumped against the wall. Wilbur was unconscious and Charlie was talking to the police. Just then Ted and Schlatt came back. When they walked in there were tons of police officers and paramedics with us. When I finally got up from where I was sat I saw a massive stream of blood all down the wall. I could see paramedics putting an oxygen mask on Wilbur, who hadn't woken up yet.

Eventually Wilbur woke up, although soon after he went back to sleep. He lay passed out on the sofa while the rest of us ate. When we finished I picked Wilbur up and carried him to our room.

"You sure you wanna carry him?" Asked Schlatt.

"Yeah." I said. "I do this all the time."

"Shut up." Said Wilbur sleepily.

"Also he can barely walk." I said. "I'm not risking him injuring himself anymore." 

I carried him into the room and laid him down on the bed. I flinched as I saw marks on the wall, obviously from earlier. Wilbur fell asleep immediately. I left him and went back to the others. I looked back at the blood on the wall and shuddered.

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