22. you cant tell me this isnt cute ♡

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—- Wilbur's pov—-

I didn't feel the best when I woke up, but I felt alright. It was quite early, but I could already hear noise outside my room. It was probably just someone who'd woken up early and was trying to be quiet. I slipped out of my room, still wearing my pyjamas, and went into the kitchen. It was Quackity. He smiled when he saw me. I hugged him and rested my head against his chest. When I stopped, he pulled me in by the waist.

"We can't." I whispered to him.

"Why?" He whispered back. "It's not like there's anyone awake to see."

He pulled me in and we kissed. I hung my arms from his neck as he held onto my waist. We stayed like this for a while.

"Are you two gonna do that forever?" Asked Phil who we hadn't heard enter. "Don't worry, just came in for a drink. Although if you don't want the others to see you, I recommend you don't stay in here for long."

I stood back blushing, but then Quackity picked me up and ran into my room. And then I realised why, I could hear someone else walking down the hall. Quackity put me down on the bed and then sat down beside me. 

"I'm gonna get changed." I said.

He turned around while I changed. I was wearing, a yellow top with straps, a black skirt, a corset belt, fishnets and boots. Once I was done, I went round to him and he pulled me onto his lap so that I was facing him. I pushed him back and he rolled us over so that he was on top. He sat on top of me, and fiddled with my necklace, teasing me. I pushed myself up so that I was now level with Quackity. He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me in for a kiss. When we finished, I pushed him off of me. He got up and then picked me up. He put me down on the window ledge. 

I wrapped my legs around his waist as he held onto my waist. But then there was a knock at the door. I slipped down from the window ledge and got Quackity to stand behind the door. As I opened it, I saw Tommy.

"What?" I said.

"We're hungry." He said.

"Well either learn to cook or grab something from the cupboards." I said.

"Where's Quackity?" He asked.

"How am I supposed to know?" I asked.

"Well Phil said to ask you because you saw him last." Said Tommy.

"That is true." I said. "But it doesn't mean that I know where he is. He'll show up at some point, and just because it's house doesn't mean that he has to be the one to cook breakfast."

I shut the door before he could say anything else. 

"What you doing?" Asked Quackity as I pulled out my phone.

"Getting some help." I said.

"Hey dude." Said Mr Beast on the other end of the phone.

"Hey. Ummm- look we need some help. Could you maybe take away some of these lunatics for a while?" I asked.

"Sure." Said Mr Beast. "We'll come pick them up in 20 mins."

"Thanks." I said before ending the call.

I opened my door again and shouted, "You have twenty minutes."

"For what?" Asked Phil.

"To finish breakfast before we kick out the main trouble makers, Tommy, Tubbo, that's you." I yelled. "Everyone else can go along if they want to."

I slammed my door shut. I grabbed my phone again and messaged Phil.

Tell me when they're gone or just out of the room so that Quackity can leave.


I sunk down to the floor. Quackity sat down next to me and hugged me. But before I knew it, I was being pulled onto his lap. He held onto my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck while we kissed. Then I heard my phone buzz and I pulled away.

They're messing around outside.

I stood up and then pulled Quackity up before dragging him out of my room. It was just Phil in the kitchen. Tommy, Tubbo and Jack came in just as I shut my door. 

"Where were you?" Tommy asked Quackity.

"Hiding from you." He replied. 

Just then, the doorbell went. I rushed over to avoid hearing any arguments and opened it.

"Hey, Mr Beast sent us over to kidnap the others." Said Sapnap.

"Thanks." I said before yelling "Hey idiots, get over here so I can kick you out."

Tommy and Tubbo ran up. I pushed them both out the door and then waited for Jack and Phil to get there. Once they were gone, I slammed the door shut. I felt so tired. They were my friends, but they were tiring to be around. 

I walked back into the kitchen and Quackity picked me up. He sat down on the table and put me down on his lap so that I was facing him. He held onto my waist with one hand while he pulled me in with the other. We kissed. After a while, he started kissing down my neck. I let him push past my top, but he stopped when he came to my bra. He moved past it and continued until he came to my skirt. He kissed back up my body and we continued for a while. Eventually I got tired and we stopped. I put my top back on and rested my head on his shoulder. I slid off of Quackity's lap and sat next to him on the table. Quackity held onto my hand while we sat there, but eventually I went off into my room to have a shower. 

When I came out, Quackity was sitting by my bed. 

"Sorry." He said when he saw me. "I just didn't want to be alone."

"It's alright." I said.

I walked to where he couldn't see me and got changed. I just put my pyjamas back on, I was too tired. I laid down on my bed and Quackity came to sit beside me. I sat up and rested against him. And before I knew it, we had both fallen asleep and fallen back on the bed. The last thing I remember is Quackity having his arms around me and me snuggling up against him. 

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