33. the park

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—- Wilbur's pov—-

I woke up when I heard noises outside the room. But when I was quiet and listened there was nothing. I got up and walked over to the window, leaning on furniture as I went. I looked out the window and I- I swear that I saw them. I sat down with my back against the wall, trying not to cry. But when Quackity walked in I burst into tears. He ran over to me. 

"What's wrong?" He asked, hugging me.

"I though I saw them." I stuttered.

He knew what I meant. He quickly got up and looked out the window.

"It's okay." He said. "There's no one there.

He lifted me up from the ground and put me down on the bed. He sat down next to me and I grabbed onto his arm. He moved further onto the bed and then pulled me onto his lap so that I was facing him. He pulled me in and we kissed. Although I knew it was mainly to distract me. He laid back and I rested against his chest like usual. 

(time skip to the morning)

When I woke up Quackity was gone. And I was laid in bed with the covers neatly placed over me. I sat up and looked around the room, everything was the same as the night before. I grabbed my phone from the bedside table and checked it. People were talking about the attack from the previous day. I checked how they found out and apparently the others took a selfie of them with the guy getting arrested in the background. 

Just then Quackity came back in. He came and sat next to me. 

"We're gonna be streaming this afternoon." He said.

"Okay." I said. "I wanna go out on my own this morning. Just to a park or something."

"Sure." He said. "I'll drive you there."

He stayed sat on the bed while I got changed. I wore a yellow sweatshirt, black skirt, fishnets and black boots. I was just putting on my corset belt when Quackity walked up to me and took me by the waist. He did it up for me and then lifted me up. He put me down on the window ledge and stood between my legs. With one hand he held onto my waist and with the other he pulled me in. We kissed. When we stopped he lifted me up. He put me down on the bed before leaving the room.

I grabbed a small bag and put my phone and a book in it. It was the same book that I'd been reading the day I arrived in Mexico. Quackity drove me to the park and I waved as he drove off. I walked over to a bench in the shade. There was no one else around. I was getting out my book when I got a call.

"Hey James." I said. "Not heard from you in a while."

"Hey." Said James on the other end of the phone. "So uhh- look I'm going over to America around when you'll be around with the others and I sorta need a place to stay."

"So you wanna go back to Mexico with me and Quackity?" I asked.

"Yeah." He said.

"Okay." I said. "Tommy and Ranboo will be coming back with us as well, the others are all going back over to the UK." 

We talked about details a bit longer and then ended the call. I decided to tell Quackity when he picked me up later instead of calling him now. I sat reading for a while. It was nice and calm there. After a while people started walking through the park. Then a small group came up to me.

"Hey, could we get a picture?" One asked.

"Sure." I said putting my book down.

We took a picture and then they talked to me for a while. Everyone was so nice. I sat reading for a while longer until I noticed someone who seemed to be watching me from a distance. I messaged Quackity.

Come pick me up now. Pls.

On my way Princess.

I put away my phone and read for a few more minutes. Then I got up and started walking. I was right. The person followed me from a distance. I was about to leave the park when they grabbed me by the wrist.

"Come with me." They said.

"Let me go." I said trying to shake them off.

But they wouldn't let go. Then I saw Quackity pull up. He jumped out of the car and ran over to help me.

"Is there a problem here?" Asked Quackity.

"No, no. Me and my girlfriend here were just having a small argument." They said.

I tried pulling away again. They'd loosened their grip but not enough for me to pull away. Quackity smacked their hand so that they let go. I pulled away and stood by Quackity, holding onto his arm.

"Hey." They shouted. "What was that for?"

"Leave me alone." I said to him.

I let go of Quackity's arm and we walked away together. He put a hand round my waist as we were walking. I turned around and did a middle finger at the person before getting in the car with Quackity and driving off.

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