13. ur mom

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--- Wilbur's pov---

On the morning of the video, we got a call.

"Okay, so small delay." Said Mr Beast. "The camera crew got held up and will be back late, so we've got to film tomorrow. But you two can still come down anyway. We need to brief everyone on the video. Some of the others are already here. Oh, and we've got a couple of your friends here Wilbur."

"Who?" I asked.

"Ranboo and Aimsey." He replied.

"Those two are chaotic." I said. "It could be worse though, it could be Tommy."

We all laughed and then ended the call. Since I was still in my pyjamas, I went and had a shower, and then got changed. I put on a cream turtleneck, and on top of that I wore a navy dungaree dress made out of a soft fabric, with a cute little skull pattern on the front. I wore my fishnets again along with my black boots.

I left my room, and met Quackity in the kitchen, who took my arm and walked me to the front door. The place wasn't that far away. 

When we drove in, and immediately saw Karl. Sapnap appeared around the corner and waved at the car. Quackity was sat in the front, but I lay on the backseat, thinking about everything. When the car stopped, Quackity helped me get out. I hung onto his arm as we walked over. We were greeted by Mr Beast.

"Hey." He said. "This is just where we're setting everything up temporarily."

"Hi." Said Quackity.

I just waved sleepily and smiled. A group of others walked over, consisting of, Karl, Sapnap, George, Dream, Chris, Nolan and Chandler. We all did greetings all over again. Mr Beast went off with Chris, Nolan and Chandler, leaving me and Quackity with the others.

"Are you two dating?" Asked Karl.

I gave out a huff of anger. I could see the others trying not to laugh.

"Okay, just because he won't let go of my arm does not mean that we're dating." Said Quackity. "It just happens to be a coincidence."

He smirked as I elbowed him in the stomach. He hunched over from the pain, but used it as a chance to kick me in the ankle. I started falling, and he grabbed me by the waist just before I hit the ground. 

"Screw you." I said, blushing.

At that moment, Aimsey and Ranboo walked up. 

"Hey Will." They both said.

"Wait, are you tra-" Started Aimsey.

"Yes." I said. "I'm trans, female to male." I looked down, not wanting to meet anyone's eyes.

"Why are you covered in bruises?" Asked Ranboo.

"Well ask those three idiots." I said pointing to George, Sapnap and Dream.

"It's mainly George's fault." Said Sapnap.

"No it is not." Shouted George.

"Doesn't matter." I said. "All three of you are to blame."

"Is someone gonna answer the question or like-" Said Ranboo.

"Wilbur got hit by a car. And yes, me, George and Sapnap are to blame." Said Dream, cutting them off.

Just then, I started coughing. I coughed into my hand, and when I looked back, there was blood. I stared at it while the others talked. 

"Quackity." I said, tugging on his sleeve.

"What?" He said, slightly annoyed that I'd interrupted his conversation. He looked down at my hand and said, "Oh shit." 

"It- it's fine." I stuttered. "I'll just go sit down somewhere."

"You sure?" He asked.

"Yeah." I said nervously. 

I walked off, clutching my hand. There had to a bench or something around here. I saw one not too far off. I stumbled over to it. I coughed again, and more blood came onto my hand. Someone was walking over. I couldn't see who it was. Why? And then it all went black.

--- Quackity's pov---

We were all shocked when Chris came running in, yelling about something, not making sense.

"Calm down." Said Karl going over to him.

"Quackity, it's Wilbur." He panted.

I started running. I shouldn't have let him go. I ran to where I saw a small group of people. I saw Mr Beast on the phone, probably calling an ambulance. Nolan and Chandler were on the ground with Wilbur, trying to get him to wake up.

"What happened?" I asked.

"We were just on our way to join you guys and we saw him sitting on the bench." Said Chandler. "He was shaking, and staring down at something. Chris went over to check on him and then we realised he was running. We couldn't see Wilbur, he must've collapsed then."

"I should've listened to him." I said, now sitting on the floor, holding Wilbur in my arms. "Why did I let him go?"

The others were making their way over now. I could hear ambulance sirens in the distance. 

"Wake up. Wake up." I said quietly. "Not again. Please just wake up."

"Again?" Asked Nolan.

Sapnap whispered into his ear about the car accident. The ambulance pulled up and paramedics got out. They rushed over to Wilbur and lifted him onto a stretcher.

"Alright, we need two of you to come with us. And at least one has to know what happened." Said a paramedic.

"I'm going." I said.

"Chris can you go? You saw him collapse." Said Mr Beast.

"Sure." Replied Chris.

We got in the back of the ambulance and it drove off.

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