23. restaurant

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--- Wilbur's pov---

I was woken up by the sound of the door opening. But as soon as I realised Quackity was still there and I heard gasping, I knew that it couldn't be anyone that knew. I sat up, rubbing my eyes. I saw Jack and Tubbo.

"Don't tell Tommy." I whispered before shutting the door in their faces.

I went back to my bed and sat down next to Quackity. He slowly sat up, yawning. 

"Who knows now?" He asked.

"Jack and Tubbo." I said.

"Well now they know." He said. "Let's go back to sleep."

He wrapped his arms around me again and I rested against his chest as we fell asleep again.

(super epic time skip)

We were woken again a short time later by noise outside my room. I slipped away from Quackity and left the room to go see what the noise was. It all went quiet when I entered the room.

"Well, I guess that answers my question." I said.

"No, no. Look mate—" started Jack.

"No, it's fine. Continue if you want." I said. 

"We're sorry. We just... we were curious that's all." He said.

"Ask me then." I said. "Don't just speculate."

"Are you two... like... yeah." Asked Tubbo awkwardly.

"Yes." I said. 

I walked over the kitchen to get a drink. 

"Why can't we tell Tommy?" Asked Jack.

"He's like a brother to me." I said. "I don't want to upset or overwhelm him."

I grabbed a bottle of water and sat down on the table.

"Why do you guys sit on the tables and not on the chairs?" Asked Tubbo.

"Well we do sit on the chairs, it's what they're for. We just also sit on the tables too." I explained.

The door of my bedroom opened and Quackity came out. He sat down next to me and I leant against him. Although I quickly stopped when I heard Tommy walking up. We were all just sat awkwardly around the kitchen. I drank my water and just sat looking down at the floor. He talked to the others but I blocked most of it out. 

"Wilbur?" Said Quackity, waving a hand in front of my face.

"What?" I said, confused after being snapped out of my thoughts.

"We were talking about going out for dinner." Said Quackity.

"Oh, sure." I said, not really paying much attention. "When?"

"Some time soon." He said. "It's getting late."

I looked over at the clock and realised he was right. After a while, we all got up to get ready to go out. I changed into a sweatshirt, a skirt, a corset belt, fishnets and boots. I came out of my room and everyone was already going to the front door.

Jack and Quackity sat in the front of the car. I sat in the back next to Phil, Tommy and Tubbo. I leant against the door of the car on the way there. I just felt so out of it, like I was barely there. 

"Hey, Will. You okay?" Asked Phil.

"Oh yeah." I said quietly. 

Not long after that, we were there. We walked in our awkward group down the street and to the restaurant. When we walked in, the waiter looked at us weirdly for a second and then took us to a table. I guess we were a weird group. I sat next to Quackity and Phil, with Tommy opposite me and Tubbo and Jack in between. A waiter came up with some menus and went off quite quickly. We all looked through the menus and ordered when another waiter came up. But then a short time later two young waiters came up looking nervous.

"Umm hi." One said.

"Hiya." Said the other. "Sorry, sorry. Could we maybe have a picture?"

We all replied with nods and various yes's. They leant in and took a photo with us before saying thanks and hurrying away. 

"Tommy stop kicking my leg." I said.

He just stuck out his tongue and laughed. I started kicking him back and we just ended up going between laughing and kicking. We stopped when the food arrived and ate. We talked in between but not about anything memorable. After we finished, the plates were taken away by waiters. I leant on the table while listening to the others taking. We ordered pudding and Quackity paid, although when I say 'we' I mean some of the others. I rested my head against the table.

--- Quackity's pov---

"I think Wilbur's asleep." I said.

"You take him back." Said Phil. "We'll get a taxi. I'll pay."

"You sure?" I asked. Phil nodded in reply.

I woke Wilbur up and told him we were going. We said bye to the others before leaving. Once we got outside, we held hands. And when we got to the car he laid down on the backseat. I kissed him on the forehead before getting in the front seat. We drove back and I lifted Wilbur out of the car and into the house. There was almost no waking him now. I took him to his room and laid him down on his bed. Once again I kissed him on the forehead before leaving him. 

just one momentOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora