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—- Wilbur's pov—-

Over the next few days, we mainly slept. We didn't stream at all and only left the house to go get food. And then, it was finally the day. I wore a yellow sweatshirt, a black skirt, a corset belt, fishnets and black boots.

We drove over to Mr Beast's site. We were there before everyone else. Tommy was supposed to be there mid morning. 

We stayed in the hangout room. We sat on a beanbag. I sat on Quackity's lap and he held onto my waist. Slowly, the others filled up the room. Everyone knew what they were supposed to do. They had to either disappear before Tommy arrived or help and distract him.

And at last, the moment came. George, Dream, Sapnap and Karl were kicking a football around outside and Ranboo and Aimsey were on a bench out front. They were all going to try and at least delay Tommy, if not stop him. Now, I was laid on the floor, with my head resting on Quackity's lap. He was twirling my hair around in his fingers. I was fiddling with my necklace. 

And then Tommy came in with Phil and Jack, I assumed Tubbo was outside. Quackity got up and then pulled me up.

"Hey Tommy." I said nervously.

"Hey Will." He said hugging me.

"I'm sorry." I said.

"For what?" He asked.

"For me." I said.

He just hugged me. After he let go, I said hello to Phil and Jack too. They were going to be staying with us. I explained to them as well about... me. And thankfully they didn't even mention Quackity, so we didn't tell them about us.

We only left after a few hours. I got to talk to Phil while the others were messing around outside. 

"Well, now I understand why you were so worried." Said Phil.

"Yeah." I said. "I just thought that he..." I trailed off.

"Now, what I'm wondering is why you didn't tell us everything." Said Phil.

"What? Do you mean-" I was cut off.

"Why didn't you tell us about you and Quackity?" Asked Phil.

"Well, I umm-" The doorbell went. "I'll go get that." I said, ending the conversation.

It was Aimsey and Ranboo. I let them in, and they went out to go mess around with the others. Phil went out with them, and Quackity came in. 

"I'm guessing Phil knows." Said Quackity.

"Yeah. He's not as dumb as Tommy." I said.

"Is anyone?" He asked.

We laughed, although it was true. He pulled me in by the waist.

"We can't." I said. "Not here."

"How about in your room then?" He asked. 

We slipped into my room without anyone outside seeing. Quackity immediately pinned me to the wall. He leant over me and I felt my face heat up. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist before he pressed me against the wall again. I hung my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist. We kissed. After a while we stopped, to breath. And we were just about to start again when there was shouting and banging at the window. I whispered Quackity to stay against the wall while I went to the window. 

Outside was Tommy. I opened up the window and he started yelling.

"We're locked out." He shouted.

"I know." I said. "Who do you think locked you out?"

"Let me climb through the window." He said.

"No." I said quickly. 

"Why?" Asked Tommy.

"I ummm- just no." I stuttered.

I slammed the window shut and the went and unlocked the door so they could get in. I quickly kicked Quackity out before anyone noticed he was missing. I heard people shouting and yelling outside my door. I sat down on my bed and put my head in my hands. I honestly just felt sick, and then I realised I was going to be. I ran over to the bin and threw up in it. I ended up just sat there, repeatedly throwing up, trying to message Quackity in between. Finally he came.

"I don't think I have much more to throw up." I said.

"I'll go get some medicine." He said.

He rushed out of the room, leaving the door open. When he came back, he had some things in a bucket. He got out some wipes and pills, but he waited for me to stop first. When I stopped, he got me some water and gave me some of the pills.

"You should probably just sleep." He said.

I nodded. He left as I changed into my pyjamas and then came back when I was done. He took the bin and left the bucket and wipes. 

—- Quackity's pov—-

When I left Wilbur, he was already almost asleep. I cleaned up the bin and then sat down on the table. 

"Where's Will?" Asked Tommy.

"He's ill." I said. "Just finished after throwing up repeatedly." Tommy got up. " And don't go to see him, he's sleeping." I added.

just one momentTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang